News Media Content Analysis
In today’s world the news media has become an everyday part of our lives to some just for information and facts, for others, every waking moment is spent reading some type of media outlet. After observing the news the past few days something donned on me, newscasters were no longer just having their name on the screen but also their twitter or Facebook screen name. This is a perfect example of growth of the media over the past few years. You use to just be able to watch the local news and possibly run into the local weatherman at the grocery store, now you with these new media formats you have access to major news network anchors at anytime. So what I’m trying to get at is with news being such a major part of our lives shouldn’t what they show us as news be as important? Over the last three nights I observed 3 different news programs on the Fox News Channel Network totaling 5 and a half of television time. I wanted to watch the same channel but different news programs to see if there was any difference in the news they presented or were they just presenting the same thing with different titles for the show? I was asked to break down the news content into different categories such as Real news ( relevant to all/impact on life), Financial, International, Entertainment and exactly how much time was spent on each category and what was covered during the broadcast. I would also explain some of the stories and why I put them where I did. How the news affects our culture and what it tells us about ourselves is something I will discuss as well. Day one began with Happening Now on Fox News during that hour and thirty minutes spent watching it was very interesting to see what was important at that time. Of the 1-1/2 about 22 minutes were spent on real news. The first actual real news story wasn’t until the actual 5th story which I thought was interesting, it was regarding the B-53 Nuclear Bomb. Apparently we are destroying