1. Ariticle Title, Publication, Date. Twitter account exposing teen sexual behaviour probed by police, The Canadian Press, February 14th 2014
2. Who does this article impact?
This article not only impacts the teens that were involved with the twitter account but their parents as well.
3. What is this article about?
A twitter account was made to expose the sexual behaviours of students from various schools, mostly from Toronto. The feed targeted both boys and girls, posting their pictures and sometimes their names and school for their followers to see. In this article, it was also argued that the victims who posted the pictures, deserved the harrasment of others. Some students believed that if they were willing to send out intimate pictures of themselves in the first place, they asked for the negative attention. While other students strongly disagreed, aruging that this was a form of cyberbulling and that the vitims shouldn't be publicly humiliated for their mistakes.
4. When? (Important dates, timelines)
No date was stated in the aritcle to state the date when police had found the twitter account. In relation to the article and cyberbullying, 17-year-old, Rataeh Parsons was taken off life-support last April, after a suicide attempt. The same occured to Amanda Todd who was a15-year-old girl, that took her life in 2012 following months of harassment at school and online over images of her body posted on the Internet.
5. Where will the effects of this issue be felt the most?
The effects of this issue will be felt most by the victims and their parents. It effects the people being shown on the twitter account because it allows others to see their personal pictures and because of that, the victims become a subject of harrasment and lose their friends and respect from others. The issue also effects the victims parents because they learn that their child is being sexualy active at such a young age and see the