Newspapers hold significance more for older generation than for those who are young. This is a fact that has only been proved in a better manner with the advent of internet and social networking sites that have gripped younger generation like viral fever.
Every newspaper worth its weight in salt today has an e edition over and above its regular edition. This is a defensive move, though there are many who feel that having an online edition bolsters the image of the newspaper and gives it a positive, modern image than if the group doesn’t have an online edition. But ask anyone who is a reader of the print edition to compare it with online edition of the same newspaper and the reply is sure to be one that is a shocker who believe that online newspapers are very effective.
Despite the control that one has while reading an online edition of a newspaper, the old charm of a print paper with coffee or hot chocolate in hand is hard to match. Then there are many who take print newspaper to the garden, kitchen, and even toilet which is certainly not possible with e edition of a newspaper.
One advantage with online editions of newspapers is the ability to take part in all sorts of opinion polls and replies and comments which take time in case of print editions. Another advantage that online editions have is the ability to have long, as long as they like stories on any given day. This means that in depth coverage of an issue is possible in online editions which