
Nguzo Saba And Maat Summary

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Nguzo Saba And Maat Summary
The article I chose was “The Nguzo Saba & Maat, a path for self-reconstruction and recoveredness: exploring a Kawaida Paradigm for healing addiction in the Black community.” In this article it speaks about the Afro-American community being effected by some form of addiction. The article talks about how the help for addiction is mainly focused around the white male populations, instead of anyone with color. The article mentioned this new program called the seven step program that is being put in place to help the Afro-American population. The war on drugs is also increasing every day and this program is designed to help anyone in this population that is in need.
The Discrimination
The population of the African Americans were targets for more drug charges opposed to the white population. The war has produced the most unequal outcomes between the racial groups. This has led to racial discrimination by the police and has caused people to suffer because of the color of their own skin color. Anyone of color is more likely to be stopped by the police for no reason, just because of their color. In this world, it does not matter that they are not doing anything wrong, our police
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One that stood out in the article was the “Afro-American history of oppression from the beginning of the holocaust of African enslavement in America (Tukufu Kalonji).” This was just a start in to the problems for the this population. Another reason that was mentioned in the article was that the “self-hatred” came from the outcome of the “systematic oppression (Tukufu Kalonji).” Due to the population being enslaved years ago, it caused so much damage to their integrity, so they found relief in alcohol and different types of drugs to wash away their sorrows and pain. To a person of color, they did not see another choice of how to deal with the mental anguish of the problems they faced each and every

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