Patients, families, carers and staff coming into contact with NHS and related health service providers should be treated with dignity and respect at all times. Services delivered should endeavour to respect and value different needs and goals with transparency. This is because everyone counts and therefore NHS resources should be distributed fairly to make sure that those in need are accounted for and are being treated with sensitivity and kindness. Ensuring everyone feels valued and that their concerns are important and responded to as necessary.
NHS values aim to improve lives by paying attention to the wellbeing of the patients, its staff and the community at large. This can be achieved through staff training, professionalism and health promotion to make sure communities take responsibility for their physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing.
The NHS aspires to the highest standards of excellence and professionalism in the provision of high-quality care that is safe, effective and person centred. Quality should not be compromised – the persistent pursuit of safe, compassionate care for every person who uses and relies on services is a