
Niccolo Machiavelli's Statement About Fear Over Love

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Niccolo Machiavelli's Statement About Fear Over Love
According to the website it states that “2017 infidelity statistics suggest that in over 1/3 of marriages, one or both partners admit to cheating, and that People who have cheated before are 350% more likely to cheat again.” In Niccolo Machiavelli’s statement about fear over love, he argues that one is much safer to be feared than to be loved. I agree with this statement, because any living creature can live their entire life without love, but it is impossible to live your life lacking any fear. In love, there is the high possibility of betrayal and loss. Love is blind and leaves one vulnerable, while fear is constant and in control. Historically, fear always remains the most powerful emotion. Therefore, if it is certain every one will fear you, it will always be the safer …show more content…
The fear that the white plantation owners implanted psychologically was powerful enough to cost 3.6 million people their freedom. According to, “a runaway was at risk of being lynched, hanged, and burned if caught. One man mentioned, had his leg cut off for attempting escape, and females were often raped and beaten for their efforts to obtain freedom.” The plantation owners knew that by using fear to control the slaves there would be little chance of them running away. These horrific punishments were used selfishly because of greed and the fear they promoted lessened the chance of a slave running away. In 69 B.C, the famous Cleopatra and Mark Antony’s love ultimately led to their downfall. According to, “Cleopatra caused all of Mark Antony’s honors to be revoked, his statues removed. Cicero, Antony’s great rival in the senate, decreed that no one in the dead general’s family would ever bear the name Mark Antony again.” Cleopatra was Mark Antony’s weakness, and because of their love it blinded him from his duties as a

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