Please note that movies are eligible for test questions.
A. Please review the following terms:
Sensitive periods- is a period of time in a organism’s development that allows for the relatively easy acquisition of a set of skills. Phonemes-any of the perceptually distinct units of sound in a specified language that distinguish one word from another, for example p, b, d, and t in the English words pad, pat, bad, and bat
Shibboleths- a custom, principle, or belief distinguishing a particular class or group of people, esp. a long-standing one regarded as outmoded or no longer important.
Personal space Demandingness
Responsiveness Authoritarian parenting Authoritative parenting
Permissive parenting Indifferent/neglectful parenting Attachment theory
Secure attachment Avoidant attachment Anxious-ambivalent attachment
Noun bias Clustering process
B. Please review the following concepts:
1. What were some cultural similarities/differences shown in the film, “Preschool in Three Cultures”?
2. When are the sensitive periods in childhood development (e.g., language acquisition, cultural acquisition)?
3. Why is the concept of language so important to humans and culture?
4. What were the major findings in a phoneme study for English- and Hindi-speaking households?
5. Please explain differences in linear versus non-linear thinking for North Americans and East Asians.
6. What were the main findings about mother-child interactions between Western versus non-Western cultures?
7. What were the cultural differences in parenting goals for Indian, American, and Turk parents?
8. Please describe the moral principles guiding sleeping arrangements and how they differ between Asian Indian and American cultures.
9. What were the cultural lessons linked to success and failure for children in U.S. versus East Asian cultures?
10. What were the