The significance of niche tourism
Tourism sector is seen as one of the world’s biggest industries. International tourism had over 25 million of international arrivals in 1950’s and increased to 625 million in 1988. This has been possible by having access to mobility, more leisure time and the increase of income (Ingram, 2008). Tourism has gone from a privilege activity where few people had access to a mass tourism consumerism. This has enabled to create a lot of different services. Here is where niche tourism plays an important role, different niche markets are appearing every day in order to offer something specific, unique ( MacLeod, 2003). According to Bowie and Buttle (2009) companies concentrate their marketing on a specific market segment, called niche marketing strategy, The use of niche market is to cover the needs of customers in that specific market segment. However, it is important to highlight that “niche” does not mean small as it can generate a large amount of tourists.
Many countries in the world have introduced niche tourism products; in some cases it is still quite new. This is the case of the Caribbean where more than 20 niche tourism markets have been introduced little by little such as bird watching, charity tourism, culinary tourism, etc. (Acorn Consulting Partnership Ltd, 2008). Nowadays
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