Ok lets talk about some thing that not sports like the first king of the 18th sentry greece, Otto of greece, but his real name is Otto Friedrich Ludwig von Wittelsback.
King Otto whent to his new king dom of Greece, and could not rule because he was underage and had to what 2 years so he can be king. thous 2 years where harsh for kingdom because the army was led to dissolution, many heroes of the Greek Revolution were arrested and many more were killed and people surfed to.while in Ottos rule a rebellion broke out and met up with Otto and ask for a political rights, Otto agreed and with draw.Soon Otto came back in to rule and tried to go to city to city to gain popularity but was so attack and retested in to beljim, soon after king George the 1st came in to
Speaking of kings how about we talk about the best king of all time know as Alexander the Great was king of the Macedon, Emperor.Phillip II of Macedonia and princess Olympias of Epirus. wher his parents. According to history on he he was born was during the night Alexaander was born at the Herostratus set by Temple of Artemis in Ephesus and the magi of the city foretold Asia’s fall.Alexander first battel started whith him and his father marching against Athens and Thebes, culminating in the Battle of Chaeronia and wining.soon king alecander began conqurd many othe empires like the Persians,Macedonian,Darius,Sardis.but his army refused to go further, wanting to return home. Alexander finally accepted, but while in Babylon, he died in 323 BC.