tobacco use causes withdrawal symptoms, including irritability and anxiety. Due to potent reinforcing properties of the substance it is very difficult to stop and when people stop they gain weight. The Surgeon General’s conclusions are that cigarettes and other forms of tobacco are addicting, nicotine is the drug in tobacco that causes addiction, and pharmacological and behavioral processes of tobacco addiction are similar to the ones as heroin and cocaine. On the contrary, industry executives testified that nicotine was not addicting, that it was a matter of choice and people can stop if they wanted to. There is much proof of the dependence of nicotine use, but they want to believe what’s convenient for their industry.
(b) A smoker should be held accountable to a high degree for his or her addiction to nicotine because they took the initiative or made the decision to begin smoking despite all the advertising of the health risks and consequences that the media and medical providers alert the public with. There are so many risks and exposures that nicotine can bring to a person’s health, physiology and behavior. On the other hand, when a person is already addicted and it’s difficult to stop; when the addiction gets to this point, then their accountability changes. It becomes as a decease that’s uncontrollable. There are different programs and alternatives offered to nicotine addicts, that if sought, they can help with this difficult …show more content…
1.(c) Some of the ramifications associated with findings of deception perpetrated by the tobacco industry and cigarette industry are the following: In the social aspect - Smoking cigarettes builds barriers between people, it has affected social interaction due to the isolated act of smoking.
In many public places people are limited to where they can smoke, they need to remove themselves from areas of common socialization. Smokers can feel judged, unaccepted or rejected by friends or family that are nonsmokers. In politics - There has been a constant battle between the government and the tobacco industry with different studies about health hazards, such as the formation of an independent council for tobacco research to look in to health claims, which was not independent and served to undermine scientific evidence demonstrating the negative health consequences. Also changing laws, such as banning all TV, radio, and billboards; and federal supported program to enforce prohibiting sales to minors. These have caused economic changes to the industry and tax income from the drop sales of
1. (d) American society would be better off if the industry of tobacco was completely destroyed because of the health issues it causes. Since the 1930’s and 1940’s the attack on tobacco began as a major health problem pointing out the possible link to cancer. Today we know that smoking causes more than 440,000 premature deaths per year in US, which is about 20% of all US deaths. As years have gone by, there have been new findings of health hazards, changes in advertising and new laws developed to control and discourage the sales of tobacco. It is not a necessity, but harm to society, so why not eliminate it. There are benefits of monetary value to the nation by the taxes, employment and income, but not worth risking people’s lives.
Drugs, Society and Human Behavior, 14th ed. Carl L. Hart, Charles Ksir