The racist and fascist foundation of Nazism has often been attributed to the writings of Nietzsche. In actuality, however, not only did Nietzsche not espouse such ideas, but also he also expressly opposed them. The blatant racism, oppression, and mass mentality of the Nazi regime are incompatible with Nietzsche's writings. Conceptually, it is difficult to fathom how Hitler managed to warp Nietzsche's ideas and writings to fuel his own totalitarian Nazi agenda. Although Nietzsche's writings did influence Hitler, it was only through misinterpretation and manipulation that Hitler came to believe that Nietzsche held pro-Nazi beliefs and promoted his works as the philosophical underpinning of the Third Reich.…
In today's world good and evil coexist, often in one entity. The choices that humans make determine whether or not the world should consider that person good or evil. Many people make bad decisions in order to achieve a good outcome. However, most struggle with the choice of what to do. Central to John Steinbeck's East of Eden the theme of good vs. evil shows through the description of landscape, Samuel Hamilton, who represents supreme goodness, and Cathy Ames Trask, the most evil character in the novel.…
East of Eden underscores the search for love and the means of obtaining self-importance by loved ones as the characters through the generations symbolically reenact the story of Cain and Abel. The author John Steinbeck successfully tells the story between the Trasks and the Hamiltons where the reader journeys into the families’ deep background and prepares for the drama and captivating storyline. In particular, the novel parallels to the Bible story in Genesis four where Steinbeck highlights enduring themes of good vs evil, the choice in life, and murderous jealousy through his unique characters to convey the works meanings and morals. First published in 1952, the book received enormous popularity and acceptance with the general public in which…
Throughout the course of ones’ life, one encounters various forms of good and evil consistently. Often, examples of good and evil are not clearly defined, and this leads to difficulty in defining the distinction between the two. To be able to find the difference between the two terms, one must understand what each label really means. According to Google’s dictionary, good is defined as having virtue, righteousness, high morality, and integrity. On the contrary, evil is defined as pertaining to immorality, malevolence, and dishonorable actions. Although there are widely accepted definitions of good and evil, the final decision is up to the person facing the situation. In East of Eden, John Steinbeck…
The self defeating behaviour will by its very nature actually serve to ensure that the fear or consequence that the person is trying to avoid will in fact come to pass. (Chrysalis Year 2 Module5)…
According to the “Face the Fats” sections bad fats are considered saturated fats and trans fats. These fats will clog arteries and cause heart disease and heart attacks. These fats are often found in foods we enjoy to eat or that taste good. Fast food, deserts, and toppings that we place on foods are usually loaded in these types of foods. Better fats are monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. These are considered better fats due to the fact that they help reduce the risk of heart disease. Monounsaturated fats are fats that have double bonded carbon in their molecules and are usually liquid at room temperatures and become more solid when cooled or chilled. Polyunsaturated fats are fats that typically have more than one double bonded carbon in the molecule, and they are also liquid at room temperature but tend to become solid when chilled or cooled.…
SHC 33: Promote equality and inclusion in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings.…
At one point or another, a self-defeating behaviour works to help an individual deal with a hurtful or threatening situation.…
Good vs. evil is a classic theme often found in literature. In “A Good Man is Hard to Find” by O’Connor and “Young Goodman Brown” by Hawthorne, the authors focus on this theme to unravel their plots. O’Connor uses the grandmother and a thief, The Misfit, to compare and contrast the good and evil in people. On the other hand, Hawthorne’s, “Young Goodman Brown,” uses the main character, Young Goodman Brown, and his journey from being a respected man to being summoned by the devil. Both authors use their main characters as a comparison of what being good means, however the evil of the story is presented differently.…
In Beowulf, the conflict between good and evil is the poem 's main and most important aspect. The poet makes it clear that good and evil doesn’t exist as only opposites, but that both qualities are present in everyone. Beowulf represents the ability to do good or to perform acts selflessly and in help of others. Goodness is also showed throughout this epic as having the ability to cleanse evil. Even though evil is presented by Grendel, Grendel 's mother, and the dragon, who are filled with a desire to act against people and ultimately destroy them, even pride, a human quality, is presented in Beowulf as a sign that evil exists. This story might even be considered a classic because it mainly talks about the old fashion good vs. evil, hero vs. villain. Beowulf and the three monsters show the significant difference between good and evil, and why god will always prevail.…
Throughout literature there is a theme that seems to be constant, the protagonist against the antagonist, good versus evil. It is a theme that reoccurs throughout time because it provides the audience with an interesting conflict and reveals more about the true nature of humans. In Flannery O’Connor’s short story, “A Good Man is Hard to Find.” she exposes her audience to the veracity of human nature; through various rhetorical devices and the demeanor of her characters, O’Connor reveals a new perspective on good versus evil.…
Nagel explains negative good. as the absence of something bad and he describes a negative evil as the absence of something good. He is comparing these as they apply to death in this chapter. Assuming that death without anything is either good or bad to the person who dies. . He describes death as being either a negative evil or negative good. It can be described as a negative good because it can lack something bad. If someone is dying from a painful disease there death will result in the lack of the bad pain they were feeling. It can also be described as a negative evil because they will miss out on the great experiences of life (sun shining, flowers blooming, laughing.) But for these to be true we must think we don’t exist after death. If we believe otherwise it could be these things don’t change for us. If you were a bad person you may continue to suffer, or maybe the sun and flowers are more beautiful after death if you were a good person.…
Macbeth, friend, don’t be lured by the siren’s call. Be neither quick nor slow to believe their words of forbidden fruit. Don’t be tricked by them so easily. Be the man you know you are, and don’t be manipulated by these witches of misery. Surely, that is all to follow if you do. Misery. Misery and the revocation of you ever being a man.…
The central ideas that two great philosophers, Plato and Friedrich Nietzsche, talked about were the reality and appearance; and what they mainly focused on is where we as humans stand between these two. Of course, regarding the fact that Plato and Nietzsche lived in different time periods, they had their differences that conflict with each other’s theories. But they do have something to agree upon; they both argue that humans live in an illusory world of our own that we think is reality when we actually are not. One important idea they disagree on is their concepts on what is reality and what is truth. Plato’s theory is mostly based on his cave allegory where he explains human’s conditions. I will explain the similarities and differences between Plato and Nietzsche through the cave allegory.…
Since the beginning of time there have be stories of good vs. evil. It when the darkness and the light collide. The most common stories are about heaven vs. hell, when god fights the devil. In other stories its hero vs. villain. Like Batman vs. the Joker or Spiderman vs. Venom. In the Anglo-Saxon time there was a hero named Beowulf who had three of the biggest battles in that time period between a monster named Grendel, Grendel’s mom, and a dragon.…