Nietzsche says that nihilism means that the highest values devalue themselves. Values here are referred to the things that a society holds individuals accountable for their actions. The law is based off of values displaced by the society. The laws established by society to keep order no longer have …show more content…
an impact on us. This happens when there are no longer a purpose for values to keep order, when there is no threat made by the rules to hold us to obligations, and when reality is no longer in the focus of the society.
The master and slave situation that is used by Nietzsche to explain his concept of nihilism is one extreme verses the other. The master, Nietzsche says, is a unique individual. The characteristic is something that the individual would be blessed with. Not everyone has the capacity to become a master only a limited few hold the power within them to step outside the masses, even if someone is born with the traits. There are some key things that identify a master- if someone is a master then they are someone who is self-directed in their actions, meaning if it does not benefit them then there is no purpose in pursing the action. These actions though also are focused on the here and now and how it effects their position on Earth. With this being said the masters are not concerned about the afterlife if it all may exist. When a master becomes in control of a government then it will a strong hierarchy that is focused on the leadership of the master being the ultimate power with an aristocratic addition.
These characteristics lead to a sense of self that is directive. In the realm of resentment, the masters are very open and direct about their feelings. They have no sense of another’s feelings or reactions that they are concerned about. In this situation there is no resentment among the masters because they hold nothing back and leave everything out in the open for everyone to interpret. Even if resentment was present among the masters they would not acknowledge it since they are not influenced by others feelings.
A slave is a person who is legal property of another and has to obey that individual.
This is the root of all of the characteristics that embody the slave mentality that Nietzsche discusses. Slaves have a group mentality that keeps them connected to the masses that is hard to step away from and become one’s self which is what Nietzsche says is the main problem that is connected with the slaves. When you are connected with the masses it leads to having the strength in numbers and each individual action is no longer existent everything is one. The masses are not worried about worldly things; they are focused on the afterlife that they believe in. This is how they justify the actions of the masters. To them the masters will be punished in the afterlife and the slaves will have a sense of peace and revenge set for them. But while they are on Earth they will act justly, be humble and meek towards one another all leading to the sense of altruism that they have when it comes to others. The slave mentality forces one to be reactive in a situation and not take action till consulted by others. This is why when a slave would come into a position of government it would a democratic mindset. In democracy, everyone has equal moral worth and should have a say in what happens in society. To the slaves not one person should be placed with all of the power. They are practical people when it comes to society and how issues should be dealt within it. Things that occur in society should be …show more content…
influenced by everyone in the society no one should be left out since everyone has equal worth. To Nietzsche this is a weakness among slaves because everyone can become part of the masses and agree with the rest of society.
All of the traits that a slave holds can help understand the resentment and how it causes problems for slaves. For a slave when they are faced with emotions they keep them to themselves and do not express them with others. Emotions can build up easily and fester inside the slave leading for plans of revenge to be created. Most of these emotions are towards the masters since they are the ones causing the chronic pain and suffering. Slaves are ones to build up a sense of guilt and even can become confessional to some but this is troubling for them since they are concerned about what other individuals.
In Nietzsche’s concept of nihilism he puts a large focus on the importance of strength and how the masters are the one who have strength whereas the slave are weak.
Strength is important because you are able to step away from the masses and become an individual again and make conscious decisions by yourself without having to consult a group of people to make sure they agree with your thoughts and ideas. To Nietzsche, being controlled by others is a sign of weakness. Strength is important in a world that is filled with nihilism. Since there is nothing in the world to live one’s life for one must create the meaning in life. This meaning is found in the individual and how they overpower others, Nietzsche says. The concepts are based on the biological morality that the ones with the strength and power should be placed as good and those who are weak are bad. But the strength comes from forcing others to do things because they feel threatened by the masters and are concerned about what would happen if they did not complete the actions that are asked of
Nietzsche believes the weak are sneaky when it comes down to it. After chronic powerlessness and resentment they used re-valuing the values to overpower the masters and gain some power that they have not been able to possess for a long time. This cause a change in morality, creating a whole new type of morality which found in the religions of Christianity and Judaism. This new type of morality is one where helping the weak and poor is a sign of strength. Nietzsche strongly disagrees with this type of morality. He is one that is focused on individualism and if you are striving to a higher being then it is hard to focus on yourself and do what is truly the best for you when you are more focused on the outcome and how it will affect others.
Overall, Nietzsche has a concept of morality that can be explained in a master and slave condition. The masters are focused on strength and the will to power over others whereas the slaves are humble and altruistic. Good morality is one that is involves dominance and manipulation of others or how the masters should act. Bad morality is where pity and compassion are involved and these in Nietzsche’s mind is wrong on how to live. Nietzsche believes that the only way to deal with the nihilism that is faced in this life to overpower others and use the will to power as a meaning in life.