• Great men create horizons for us o Plato, Locke, Jesus, Buddha
• Moralists like Jesus said these values are wrong- that laws should protect the weak.
The consequence of Christianity’s Moral Horizon
• This code become the dominant moral “horizon” in Europe o Christianity triumphed over Rome o Today, Christian morals go unquestioned and unchallenged by most of us o The process of condemning strength encouraging a welfare state has been accomplished by convincing society that this new Christian moral code as perfect o Natural leaders, the confident, the courageous, & the innovators are shackled by a value system that makes them equal with the masses.
• Horizons are only Perspectives o For Nietzsche, all horizons are man-made perspective in constant flux- not absolute truths
All are “created” by men
• There’s no truth out man and society
• Life has no meaning before we give it meaning
Christianity replaced a Master Morality with a Slave Morality
Slave Morality of Christianity Be caring and sensitive to all- place others first- don’t be selfish- be meek- help the less fortunate- sacrifice.
Master Morality of Nietzsche
• To be great, we must break away from that false thinking
• This thinking prevents men from being great individuals o Christianity creates mediocrity o It shackles great men to the mundane and average
• Master Morality would encourage us to be unequals, warriors, and rise above the weak, stupid, and meek o Let the strong rise to the top of the heap
Slave vs. Master Morality
• Under threat/fear, it force. It forces men men to value Humility not Pride, Equality not Individualism, Timidity not Aggression, and Others not Yourself
Primal Will to Power: Instinct to Survive
Second will: Child’s Will: Ability to say YES
Third Will: Will to Power
Turning Good into