No doubt education is the bedrock of development of any country or nation. But unfortunately Education in Nigeria is bisected with myriads of problems. The aim of the study is to identify and provide solutions to the problems that are mitigating about the success in the education sector of the country. For meaningful development to take place in the educational sector; the government need to re-address the issue of multiple system of education, diversification in the education system, unstable curriculum, unstable staff, access to good and equipped library towards achieving the goals of education. Also education must be made affordable for all and sundry. The current politicization of education must be changed.
Education is the bedrock of development to any nation, that direct means by which people seeks to shape its own destiny and to transform itself from what it knows itself to be into what it would hope to become. Education in Nigeria is nationally conceptualized not simply as the medium for cultural transmission but the main vehicle for accelerating individual, community and national development. It is a mechanism through which the society generates the knowledge and skills required for its survival and sustenance. It enriches people 's understanding of themselves and the world. It improves the quality of their lives and leads to broad social benefits to individuals and society. The fortune of the educational system in Nigeria is, perhaps, at its lowest ebb. There has been a consistent denigration of the system in the last two or three decades. Graduates of the educational system are not only derided, but are also described as lacking in quality, low in perception and unfit in skills. Employers complain that school graduates are poorly prepared for work. In many cases, employers compensate for insufficient academic preparation by organizing remedial courses for new employees. Developed countries subject graduates of our schools
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