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Night and Life Comparison

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Night and Life Comparison
Life is Beautiful and Night Comparison
During the WWII Adolf Hitler wanted to exterminate all Jews. During the war Germany built death camps where thousands of Jews died daily. This became known as holocaust. In the book Night and movie Life Is Beautiful characters trying to survive this horrifying concentration camp. In both movie and book father and son are cooperating with each other in order to survive the horrors of the death camp. The relationship between father and son in both book and movie changes and continues throughout the story but, at the end the relationship is very different.
In the Night both father and son were sent to the concentration camp. Eliezer was really frightened by losing his father so he did everything that 15 year old teenager could do to save his fathers live. They both took care of each other, after the march Eliezer and his father were exhausted when Eliezer fell asleep in the snow “ When I woke up, a frigit hand was tapping my cheeks,it was my father “ Don't let yourself be overcome by sleep Eliezer. Its dangerous to fall asleep in the snow” he said” Night Pg 88 . This example show how Eliezer's father cared about him. He did not rest at all after what you can call a death march, but he simply looked over his beloved son. Eliezer also saved his fathers life when his father was put in the lane for weak people after the test. Eliezer ran toward the other lane and yelled “Father!” this caused chaos which helped people from the weak lane come to normal lane, his father was one of the people. It show how strong is relationship between both characters. Later in the book relationship does not change, although when Eliezer's father dies he deeply inside feels that he is finally free.In the movie Life Is Beautiful the relationship a little different, its mainly the father of the kid that tries to save his son's life. He tells his son that the concentration camp is a big playground where the game is held to win the tank. He risks everything that he could to save his son. Joshua is 5-6 year old kid that could not possibly understand what was going on therefore Joshua could not do anything in terms of helping his father. Joshua's father died risking his life to save his son.
In both movie and the book the relationships were different. In the Night both father and son helped each other. In the movie the father saved the son.

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