I believe in the book, “ Night” the Jews were very differently treated because, the Jews were not placed in a factory and protected. Elie was placed in a concentration camp where Jews were separated from their families and the weak were sent to…
Typically, people these days prefer watching movies over reading books. However, it can be interesting to read a book as well as watch the movie to find similarities and differences. The novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, consists of two main characters: George Milton and Lennie Small. The movie, released in 1992, focuses on the same characters’ adventures working on a ranch during the Great Depression. There are several similarities between Lennie in the movie and the book, including him liking to touch anything soft and him acting like George's child. However, there are also differences between the two, such as Lennie’s size and his mental abilities.…
The book, Of Mice and Men, is one that invokes thought in the reader. Although the book is well written, the movie does not come close to those same standards. After reading the book, then watchisng the movie, I saw some major differences as well as some insignificant differences. However, there were a few that were very obvious. One glaring difference that I saw involved the character simply known as "Curley's wife". One difference transpired during a scene that greatly influenced what I thought of her. However, in the movie, this scene never took place. This difference drastically altered my opinion of Curley's wife.…
In the novel Night tells an autobiography about Elie's time in the Holocaust and the book explains how the relationships with his father, and God change in the event of the time he spent during the Holocaust.…
Of Mice and Men, A classic literature book by John Steinbeck, takes place in the 1930s on a ranch in the Salinas valley. George and Lennie, the two main characters, live during the great depression. They work on a ranch in hopes of earning money. As they live a poor life they share the same dream to help them get through the tough…
People who have read Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck should know that there are a lot of similarities and differences compared to the book A Separate Peace by John Knowles. The central message of these two books display some good and bad times of two male friends and the struggle of their friendship. In the book, Of Mice and Men, George and Lennie have a tough time getting along through their journey of living on a farm. In the book A Separate Peace, Gene finds it hard to accept Finny as a true friend, since Gene thinks he is invincible. These books would not be the same if Lennie was not handicap and Finny was not perfect. There are many similar themes that could go along with these books, but only three work best. The story of Gene and Finny’s relationship compared to the story of George and Lennie’s teach many comparable life lessons because they both display friendship, the American dream, and the coming of age.…
“Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams dies, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. (Langston Hughes)” The film “Of Mice and Men” directed by Gary Sinise is an adaption of the novel with the same name written by John Steinbeck, it depict the iconic living conditions and life style of farmers in California during the great depression. Both the novel and the film emphasize the themes of “friendship”, “loneliness” and “loss of dreams” in which the characters are vividly portrayed in different scenes.…
The boss leaves and a little later comes Curley, the bosses son, an aggressive man who seems to not like “big guys” and quickly tells George to let Lennie talk. Curley then leaves and Candy tells them that Curley loves being mean to the bigger guys because they all think that he's mad because he's not as big. He later says that Curley’s attitude has only gotten worse since his recent marriage to a “tart” who enjoys flirting with the men working.…
The novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck tells the story of two men, Lennie and George, who travel together and remain friends through many hardships they go through. Their friendship grows stronger and they share many qualities. My best friend, Alla, and I share a few of those qualities with George and Lennie. Our loyalty, differences, and dreams continually build up our friendships and drive us closer…
I think steinbeck called it “Of Mice and Men” to be more mysteries and not to give anything away from the story.i think “Of MIce and Men” is a good title because it makes you want to read more because you want to find out what the stories about.Steinbeck wanted to the plot to be how mice and men are similar or how lennie killed so many small things and george kills lennie like he’s a mice because he's small.This title betrayed that the story was gonna be about mice and men and how they are similar and we do similar things.…
d the cream.They are like brothers they work together and provide food for each other.George provided both of them food and shelter he got lennie a job George is like the big brother. Lennie thinks they both could make there dreams come true.George tells a story to Lennie that is about them and that Lennie knows the story by heart and George stops telling the story to lennie because he told lennie he doesn't need to keep telling the story if lennie knows it by heart.George says that lennie should tell the story but lennie said that George tells it better.They camped outside the farm for the night they only had a campfire and sleeping bags They kill the rabbits when its winter and they tend.They live in a ranch so they big vegetable patch and…
As portrayed in both stories, Of Mice and Men and A Separate Peace, friendship was undoubtfully the epitome of both plot lines. There was George and Lennie, an odd couple bounded by the ties of “brotherhood and a dream. "'A guy needs somebody-to be near him.' He whined, 'A guy goes nuts if he ain't got nobody.'" (72) There was also Gene and Phineas, the other’s significant self, connected by their balanced natures and undeniable trust. "Naturally I don't believe books and I don't believe teachers, but I do believe-it's important for me to believe you [Gene]. Christ, I've got to believe you, at least. I know you better than anybody" (154). As both authors lead our fellow characters into tough situations, it brings out the solid truth behind their relationships. Through the similarities and differences on the concept of friendship in each book, overall messages can be concluded by both authors based on the actions and thoughts perceived by the characters.…
Lastly, the novel Night has two main settings. It takes place in a small town in Transylvania called Sighet. Also it takes place in Auschwitz, the largest concentration camp in the Holocaust. This book is told from the point of view of Elie. The tone of this book is a distraught tone. There were many conflicts in Night there was Man vs. Man with Jews against the Nazi regime. There was Man vs. self when the Jews had to tell themselves that they would make it through the Holocaust and survive. Lastly there was Man vs. nature when the Jews were running around in the night for 40+ miles.…
In Night, Elie and his father are forced into concentration camps where they are treated like sheep’s by herding dogs. The lines, “On the third day, at dawn, we were driven out of the barrack. We threw blankets over our shoulders, like prayer shawls. We were directed to a gate that divided the camp in two. A group of SS officers stood waiting. A word flew through our ranks: selection” (Wiesel 96) show the strict ruling forced upon the prisoners and the lack of freedom the prisoners experienced. Likewise, in The Handmaid’s Tale all of the females except the wives of the commanders are subjected to strict living conditions. An example of this is Offered, Offered is only allowed to go to the market, she is not allowed to read, she is commanded to spend the majority of her time in her room, she does not get a say in the house of the commander or in the conversations of the aunts. Furthermore the characters in both novels are trapped and controlled by systems controlled by men. Both of the main characters are oppressed and confined by the abuse put upon them by the patriarchal systems they live in. Despite both societies being confined by men, the reasoning behind the entrapment varies significantly.…
Night by Elie Wiesel describes his experiences as a Jew in the concentration camps during World War II. During this time, Wiesel witnessed many horrific acts. Two of these were executions. Though the process of the executions were similar, the condemned and the Jews’ reactions to the executions were different.…