Many people were being killed in the concentration camps and some were made examples of. In the story Night, Elie uses imagery to show how vivid and horrific the events that occur in the concentration camps and how impressionable they can be on a person. During Elie’s time at one camp there was a young pipel who was hung for helping with a sabotage of the power for the electric plant at camp Buna. The young boy was found guilty along with a few other male inmates who were said to have …show more content…
Wiesel is trying to teach us about the harm of silence as well as his experience with it. He said there are many things he will never forget but silence was always there. It could be the silent dark night or the silence of someone hiding a secret. He will be stuck with these memories and the haunting ideas of all that has happened. Silence can be deadly, yet silence always speaks louder than