M.Raveendra, G.Chaitanya sagar
Abstract - Night has its sorcery quality which many humans missed especially on moonless nights. In comparison to many animals which do their gallivanting in the dark, humans cannot see in the dark because their eyes lack tapetum lucidum. This is a layer of tissues in the eyes which improves vision in low light conditions but is present in the eyes of most animals. Fortuitously human ingenuity popped up with night vision optics that made night vision possible. Night vision technology, by definition, literally allows one to see in the dark. Night vision optics is a device to intensify human sight under very low light conditions. Although more human activities are done during the day than night, the capability to see in the dark is still significant in many occasions. Night vision devices focuses infrared light to objects in the dark; infrared is beyond spectrum visible to the human eyes. A device for night vision was perfected during wartime giving soldiers in the battle field a technical benefit over their enemies. Vision equipment has evolved from bulky optical instruments in to lightweight goggles through the advancement of image intensification technology and thin film technology. With the proper night-vision equipment, you can see a person standing over 200 yards (183 m) away on a moonless, cloudy night! Night vision can work in two very different ways, depending on the technology used. • Image enhancement – This works by collecting the tiny amounts of light including the lower portion of the infrared light spectrum, that are present but may be imperceptible to our eyes, and amplifying it to the point that we can easily observe the image.
• Thermal imaging – this technology operates by capturing the upper portion of the infrared light spectrum, which is emitted as heat by
References: 1] LEDs Magazine 2] http://www.hownightvisionworks.com/ 3] http://hea-www.harvard.edu/HRC/mcp/mcp.html 4] http://www.physics.ohio-state.edu/~wilkins/writing/Samples/shortmed/johnmedium/index.html 5] www.answers.com 6] http://www.atncorp.com/ 7] http://www.gizmag.com/go/3116/ 8] www.uflib.ufl.edu/