• Describe the work that must be completed to accomplish the recommended changes or adaptations. If no changes are recommended, explain what work is…
In the document “Virginian Luxuries, it is a story that revolves around deception and pure pretense. The slave owner took advantage of is power, by being able to do what he desire to one of his slaves. This is deception because the colored women slave did not have a choice, but to obey commands and comply. During the time period that this situation occurred, it was rather common, even if it meant discrete! Under many conditions this is not okay, and both parties should know where they stand.…
Mrs. Caretaker’s work history is 40 years steady. Her jobs have included much physical work. The patients that she cared for needed help with their daily activities. These activities include getting in and out of bed, getting on and off the toilet, and showering. Her long history of physical work could very well be a contributing factor to her musculoskeletal…
Lian Hearn was born in England and immigrated to Australia in 1973. Lian Hearn is a pseudonym which means that she used a different name to publish her book. She chose the name Lian Hearn because Lian has been a family nickname for her and Hearn because it is Japanese for Heron which is a key symbol in her books. She is a rather famous author and the books that made her famous where the “Tales of Otori series.…
Before Florence Nightingale started to improve nursing as a practice public health care system was underdeveloped. People who were living in urban areas didn’t have access to clean water and proper sewage disposal. Most of the sick people were treated at their homes and cared for by their family members.…
Florence Nightingale was a young and talented woman. Who, she had to overcome to outstand her wishes to become a nurse, at least from the family. She had become the first woman for the nursing field. During the Victorian Era one was obligated to marry within their social class and obtain a job within their given range. By the age of 16 that was when she realized that nursing is calling upon her name and stating that’s her duty to become one. As opposed to her family wishes she had decided to join as a nursing student in 1844, at the Lutheran Hospital of Pastor Fliedner in Kaiserswerth, Germany.During the Crimean war in the early 1850s, Nightingale had returned to London where she took a nursing job in a Middlesex hospital. During the late 1854, Nightingale received a letter from Secretary of War Sidney Herbert, asking her to organize a corps of nurses to tend to the sick and fallen soldiers in the Crimea.…
Florence Nightingale is one of the most highly influential individuals in nursing history. She was a leader at heart and used her educational and social background to enhance the medical field by improving quality of life for patients in the hospital. When faced with the horrible conditions of military hospitals in the Crimean War, she became an advocate for the soldiers by writing letters requesting more medical supplies, cleaning equipment, clothing, heaters, water boilers, clean linens, and proper food. Though at times she was denied, she never stopped writing letter and documenting facts to prove that these changes were needed. Florence began to organize the hospitals, which created an easier and more efficient environment for both the medical staff and the patients. She also cleaned and sanitized the hospital while instilling the need for both clean nursing practices and a clean environment to provide adequate care. Florence started the standard for clean hospitals and built the foundation for nursing actions we know…
* Planning - using the facts gathered goals are set and plan schemes are made, to help the child develop and progress, see behaviour change or strengthen present skills…
In February 19, 1942 President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066 which authorized the internment of of tens of thousands of Japanese American citizens. The constitutionality of which was questioned by every level of the courts. The federal and supreme courts involvement in cases such as Hirabayashi, Korematsu and ex parte Mitsuye Endo swayed and sometimes contradicted the constitution that birthed our nation. In our modern day, we are faced with a similar circumstance. Our 45th President, Donald J Trump campaigned on the promise of a travel ban that would halt the immigration of seven dominantly muslim countries for six months in order to form a proper vetting system for the refugees leaving the terrorism plagued sector…
For My work experience I worked in a nursing home. The residents living in nursing home does not have many abilities to do thing for them; they are dependent on the carer’s. The residents living in nursing home are aged between 80 to 105 years old.…
The purpose of this analysis is to clarify and define the term health. Clarification of this concept is essential to the function of caregivers. Everyone responsible for providing care should be knowledgeable of what health is. Many believe they know what health is but after a closer look, it is revealed that at best, it is fleeting and partially understood. Also, it is necessary for medical personnel to understand the difference between health, care and nursing (Lee & Ross, 2008).…
This allows the nurse to help develop and provide set activities that will improve Abduls condition, this can be short or long term. The nurse will Implement (REF) the steps of action to ensure Abdul, his family and all other health professions are aware and they are taken into action to achieve the goals of Abdul and the process can be evaluated and measured. The nurse will also give care by performing physical care and assisting with Activities of living activities (REF) (Appendix). The nurse may recommend counselling, occupational therapists and…
a clean sterile environment. The patient should either be sitting in a chair or lie down. At this time you…
Depending on others for personal care. The patient will most likely need help eating, bathing and getting dressed.…
"The Nightingale and the Rose" by Oscar Wilde was published in 1990. It’s a story of the consequences of not appreciating creation. It’s about a student who was told by a girl that she would dance if he brought her a red rose. Unfortunately the boy has no red roses and crying about his despair when a nightingale heard him. The nightingale got touched by the students story and decided to help him. He flew away looking for a red rose. He was searching but didn’t find any until he found one rose bush that told him to pierce his heart on a thorn to bleed on a white rose so it would become. He did it and died. The boy finds the rose and is very happy. He brings it to the girl but she rejects the rose because it won’t match her dress and because she found someone that bought her jewellery so the boy throws the rose away and says that love is ridiculous and that logic is better. The main themes are love, death wealth. How are these themes shown in this story?…