Nightmare on Elm Street 10 genre is horror he’s centralized looking down not facing the audience or giving eye contact gives a feeling of unease to the PTA as we don 't know who the person or creature is so it causes ambiguity in the audience 's eyes. Binary oppositions of dark and light so could connote good versus evil it goes darker towards the bottom title is written in red connotes blood the colours of red browns and blacks are typical of the horror genre connotes death, fear, scary he is also holding a sharp knife with the lighting showing the edge of the knife which is used to show it hasn 't been used yet so who is the attackers new victim going to be? The title in red represents the colour of blood and inevitable death some of the letters on nightmare are fogged over meaning its conspicuous and something isn 't right it creates an enigma in the primary target audience 's eyes. Freddie Kruger is foregrounded in the image so he is more important than the layout of the text the clothes on the killer are worn which would connote he is old and aged the film typography is very similar to the film layout used in devils rejects its contextual with that film
The poster ‘welcome to your new nightmare’ it’s directly talking to the audience and emphasizes the word new so the audience would infer what ‘new nightmare am I having nightmares already’? He is clasping his hands tightly showing that he is ready to kill.
The connotations from this poster show deeper meaning. A part used in the mis-en-scene in this poster that shows this is the lighting, the poster is dominated by dim low lighting which gives a dim creepy like feel, also Freddie is bowing his head covering half his face with the his, gives an air of mystery, which may have the audience thinking, ‘what
Bibliography: Anon., n.d. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2013]. Anon., n.d. [Online] Available at: Anon., n.d. [Online]. Richard Nordquist, n.d. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 4th April 2013]. Wales, K., 2011. A Dictionary of Stylistics. 3rd Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.