former second robin, jason todd, who was believed to have perished during the events of Batman: Death in the Family. In the process of fighting jason, it becomes evident that batman isnt fighting jason but the villain, clayface, who is mimicking the identity of jason. Upon discovery on a device planted in his computer, batman seeks harold,out an old friend and trusted mechanic. A late-night meeting is arranged and harold admits that someone treated his disfigured condition in exchange for planting the device, but before he is in a position to reveal who it was, he is shot. thomas elliot is discovered to be the killer and the man hidden behind the bandages. It becomes implied that clayface had been imitating elliot when he seemed to have been killed. Elliot confesses to holding a grudge against bruce wayne's family, dating back to when bruce wayne's father had saved the life of elliot's mother an automobile accident, with elliot revealing he had sabotaged his parents' vehicle in an attempt to gain their inheritance, considering bruce's father the main reason why this plan could not come to fruition. In the confrontation that follows, elliot is shot by harvey dent and falls into the water. batman never gets the chance to unmask him as the body is never found and the assmption remains that it was thomas elliot.
former second robin, jason todd, who was believed to have perished during the events of Batman: Death in the Family. In the process of fighting jason, it becomes evident that batman isnt fighting jason but the villain, clayface, who is mimicking the identity of jason. Upon discovery on a device planted in his computer, batman seeks harold,out an old friend and trusted mechanic. A late-night meeting is arranged and harold admits that someone treated his disfigured condition in exchange for planting the device, but before he is in a position to reveal who it was, he is shot. thomas elliot is discovered to be the killer and the man hidden behind the bandages. It becomes implied that clayface had been imitating elliot when he seemed to have been killed. Elliot confesses to holding a grudge against bruce wayne's family, dating back to when bruce wayne's father had saved the life of elliot's mother an automobile accident, with elliot revealing he had sabotaged his parents' vehicle in an attempt to gain their inheritance, considering bruce's father the main reason why this plan could not come to fruition. In the confrontation that follows, elliot is shot by harvey dent and falls into the water. batman never gets the chance to unmask him as the body is never found and the assmption remains that it was thomas elliot.