Nike is a global supply chain with a complex network that directly connects the globe consumers, buyers, supplies, workers and communities. I believe that everyone of it has a powerful opportunity to create positive economic. In the center chain, there is more female worker who just steps in to the working environment, having poor education, living against backdrop of poverty. Nike had set targets to them which are relating to excessive overtime and freedom of association. They believe better management and well communication will help to reduce the problem but they also found that monitoring alone did not solving anything. Nike had done some additional analysis of contract factories and nonperforming factors. By the way, Nike had partnership with the Fair Labor Association (FLA) along with participating brands across the industry to develop a single comprehensive tool that can assess human resources management at the factory level and unearth the root cause behind noncompliance issues.
Nike had created an empowering work environment where workers are able to work with management investment strategies that emphasize skill building, teamwork, environment and quality over quantity. Training for employees and manager had provided by learning manufacturing powered by ski, empowered workforce and others to improve the quality of employees. The training not only benefit to the company but also the employees. Employees are able to suit themselves in the working environment easier, such as, self- stress management, skill of communication and others. They had also invited government officials, trade union representative, representatives from the International Labor Organization and other key local stakeholders participate in the training program. By involving that representative, they are able to know each other well and reduce the conflict directly through sharing section. Managers were valued the worker