Nike’s CSR Challenge highlighted the difficulties of bringing change to a company that isn’t centralized. In fact, the challenge was to alter the way business is done. Traditionally, leadership was seen as guidance to steer your employees towards the company’s goal. What’s required is a more open kind of leadership that calls for cooperation among mutually dependent groups so as to deal with systematic issues. The hurdles are to modify the signals given out by its supply chain groups and its rivals so that the companies run in a continual and sustainable way, which is financially feasible.
4. Leadership Beyond Borders gives a substructure for defining global citizenship. It assists any of us to find the commonalities in between differences everywhere in our day to day life, be it home or work. It’s a type of leadership that exceeds the borders of a person’s professionalism and limits to attract people on collective objectives. It is also called as “transcending leadership” because this kind of leadership transcends the need of a single leader and inspires others to lead. The best example for leadership beyond borders would be Mahatma Gandhi.
1. Several cases of abusive treatments were reported in more than 1/4th of the South Asian factories. Another report states that about 25% - 50% of plants restricted their employees from drinking water & accessing toilet during the working hours. Almost the same percentage of factories denied workers at least a day off of the seven days that they work.
Nike’s CSR Challenge highlighted the difficulties of bringing change to a company that isn’t centralized. In fact,