Stalin was a part of the Bolsheviks which was the communist party of the Soviet Union. The Kulaks were the wealthy landowners and they were capitalists and did not approve of Stalin’s beliefs and methods. One of the changes Stalin implemented in order to achieve his one of his many goals, was to collective farms. Collectivization is the act of seizing land from the wealthy (which in this case were the Kulaks) and using it for communal use. This means that the Kulaks’ farms would get broken up to little parts and given to the peasants. In document 4, an excerpt from a speech that Stalin delivered in 1929 he says, “The socialist way, which is to set up collective farms and state farms into large collective farms, technically and scientifically equipped, and to the squeezing out of the capitalist elements from agriculture.” Stalin was determined to remove any and all capitalist that were not in his favor. Another change Stalin implemented was to stop feeding the livestock with the wheat being grown. In document 5, there is a graph showing the declination of the livestock in the first and second five year plan. In a total of 10 years, the amount of livestock was virtually cut in half! In comparison, the wheat production increased significantly in the ten years in which the livestock was cut in half. The wheat being…
During The Cold War, There was a total of 4 change in power. Joseph Stalin being the first dictator of The Soviet Union during The Cold War, Nikita Khrushchev being the second, Leonid Brezhnev the third, and Mikhail Gorbachev the final leader of The Soviet Union. “While this meant change the underlying political reality was that the Soviet system did not trust the people. Government was retained in the hand of Party apparatchiks which the public had no role in choosing. Economically there were improvements.” Despite the improvements, living conditions were poor for the citizens of The Soviet Union. “Agriculture remained a major weakness with poor yields”. Although The Soviet try to improve life for people, life was still poor. The economics…
Khrushchev had a lot of good ideas that he wanted to implement but due to the bureaucratic nature of the Soviet party officials weren’t keen on implementing certain reforms which offered no benefits to them despite being good for the population…
Joseph Stalin established a modern totalitarian government in Soviet Russia. He is known as the “Man of Steel”. A totalitarianism is a type of government that takes total, centralized, state control over every aspect of public and private life of their people. His rule had changed the people of his empire in numerous ways. Stalin had total control over economic needs. According to document 6 “By 1940 Russia produced more pig iron than Germany, and far more than Britain or France. Numbers of cattle grew in the 1920s, but fell increasingly during the collectivization of agriculture after 1929, and by 1940 hardly exceeded the figure for 1920. Since 1940 the industrial development of the Soviet Union has been impressive, but agricultural production has continued to be plumiding”. The document illustrates how pig iron had significantly increased as a result of the “Five Year Plan”, however heavy industry led to expense of food supplies. This would cause limited production of consumer goods. It caused a step back because of the severe shortages of housing, food, clothing as well as other necessary goods. The Five Year Plan didn’t help much to excel their economic as Stalin hoped, it impacted by creating famine. Stalin rising to power promised an economic boom for Russia however, in that process many people suffered and died of starvation. According to document 5, “The purge began its last,…
In the novella “A Day on the Life of Ivan Denisovich” by Alexander Tvardovsky, the main character Ivan Denisovich Shukov, referred to as Shukov in the novella, fines a way to utilize every opportunity of freedom he has to better his ten-year sentence in the prison work camp. Shukov has little freedom. He is forced to work all day, has limited food rations, and works with a random group of prisoners to which he was assigned. Though life in the camp is far from pleasant Shukov seems to find his own sense of freedom in the camp.…
Part 1: Choose eight events from the lesson. Complete the following chart by using information from the lesson and putting it into your own words.…
Many people considered Khrushchev reckless because he tore the ideas of communism down. He allowed freer expression of opinion, made modest efforts to meet the demand for more consumer goods, decentralized economic planning, and removed many restrictive regulations on private cultivation.…
In the period before 1941, Stalin was able to institute his economical policies of Collectivization and the 5-year plans. ‘Backwards was to be defeated and enslaved’. Russia had to make up for 100 years of lost time for fear of being consumed by the western world. Stalin, sole leader of the Bolsheviks by the late 1920’s, believed that Russia could modernize their Agricultural and Industrial sectors through his policies.…
In 1917, Russia was crumbling into pieces. The World War I was draining all of Russia’s resources. There was shortage of food throughout the country, which left people starving. At the battlefront, millions of Russian soldiers were dying, they did not possess many of the powerful weapons that their opponents had. The government under Czar Nicholas II was disintegrating, and a provisional government had been set up. In November of 1917, Lenin and his communist followers known as the Bolsheviks overthrew the provisional government and set a communist government in Russia. However, in 1924, Lenin died and Josef Stalin assumed leadership of the Soviet Union, which was the name for the communist Russia. Stalin was a ruthless leader who brought many changes to the Soviet Union. Stalin’s goal was to transform the Soviet Union into a modern superpower and spread communism throughout the world, and he was determined to sabotage anyone who stood in his way. He used many methods such as collectivization, totalitarianism and five year plan’s to achieve his goals. Stalin’s rule brought both harmful and beneficial consequences to the Soviet Union; however, the negative factors were so terrible, that they overwhelm the positive factors.…
At the beginning of the seventeenth century Russia experienced a period of great upheaval that has since been called the Time of Troubles (1598-1613). The period was an incredibly complex period of intersecting political, social, and economic issues that culminated into this tumultuous period. During this period, the Russian Orthodox Church became the only social institution and political symbol that offered Russians a sense of continuity, unity, and stability. Orthodox Christianity played a fundamental role in the Russian conscience and in the absence of strong governance, many Russians looked to the Orthodox Church for cues on how to navigate the political crisis at hand. During the Time of Troubles, the presence of samosvanents, pretenders or royal impostures, became a central factor that would shape the Russian political landscape. The reign of Tsar Dmitrii I (r. 1605-1606) is an authoritative and exemplary case study on the nature of samosvanents within Russian politics and religion, and how by understanding the narrative surrounding Dmitrii I’s reign we can begin to understand the broader…
Nicholas II was the last of the Romanov dynasty rule as the Czar of Russia. His rule began on 1st of November and finished on the 15th of 1917. During the time of Nicholas’s reign Russia saw him go from the great and powerful “little father” to a much more dishonorable and weak “bloody Nicholas”. Nicholas II was unsuccessful and the reason behind all of Russia’s many downfalls such as WW1 and the Russo-Japanese war. Bloody Sunday, The October Manifesto and the Russo-Japanese war were all events that support how unsuccessful he was as Czar and prove that he was the worst ruler of his time.…
Ivan IV, or also known as Ivan the Terrible, gained huge amounts of land during his reign and created a centrally controlled Russia. He had a complex personality. He was intelligent but brutal and sadistic. He watched as prisoners were boiled, burned and fried. He destroyed villages, towns and even cities. Thousands were slaughtered, leaving others to wonder if Russia would survive this era.…
Under this policy, the Stalinist political system was eliminated and Khrushchev imposed many reforms in its place. This caused a split in the Communist Party with the military and political elite highly objecting to these changes in system and thus opposed Khrushchev.…
The USSR (The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) was found in 1922 by Vladimir Lenin. The USSR was shortly taken over by Joseph Stalin, which lasted from the 1920’s to the 1953.(DeSomma, 12) During the time of Stalin’s ruling the NKVD (People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs), a secret police force, murdered many soviet citizens and jailed many others to Gulags. Gulags were forced labor camps that people were sent to if they were seen dangerous to the union. The Soviet then destroyed all owned farms to be replaced by state owned farms, this caused the Holomodor (1932- 1933). The Holomodor was a man made famine that killed 5 to 7 million peasants. The Great Purges (1937- 1938) were Stalin's attempt to remove any threats to the communist party continuance. Many people were killed or imprisoned each year. Numerous massacres occurred like the Vinnytsia Massacres, the Katyn Forest Massacre, and The Medvedev Forest Massacre. (Pierpaoli,1)…
* Stalin led the Soviet Union through the post – war reconstruction phase after WWII. He had entered the nation in the Cold War with the U.S. Stalin’s reign had been cruel and impacting since he flipside Russia after his death, his successor Khrushchev denounced his legacy and began a process of…