Dry periods had taken place earlier in Egypt’s history. When the Nile failures were reaching their peak and drastically shrinking the food supply, Pepy II was in his 80s or 90s. At the end of his extremely long reign, he and his government administrators undoubtedly lacked the vigor and creativity to cope with such a natural disaster. After his death, as the drought continued, the lack of any strong king to emerge and handle this crisis guaranteed the permanent collapse of the Old Kingdom. Over the next 100 years, Egypt split apart. A civil war raged in the Nile Valley between kings at a new capital near Memphis and rival kings at Thebes. In addition, some nome governors challenged the kings on both sides. Meanwhile, below normal Nile floods persisted, causing widespread starvation and death among the common people. No one authority was in charge to deal with this crisis. By the end of this chaotic period the Old Kingdom had completely
Dry periods had taken place earlier in Egypt’s history. When the Nile failures were reaching their peak and drastically shrinking the food supply, Pepy II was in his 80s or 90s. At the end of his extremely long reign, he and his government administrators undoubtedly lacked the vigor and creativity to cope with such a natural disaster. After his death, as the drought continued, the lack of any strong king to emerge and handle this crisis guaranteed the permanent collapse of the Old Kingdom. Over the next 100 years, Egypt split apart. A civil war raged in the Nile Valley between kings at a new capital near Memphis and rival kings at Thebes. In addition, some nome governors challenged the kings on both sides. Meanwhile, below normal Nile floods persisted, causing widespread starvation and death among the common people. No one authority was in charge to deal with this crisis. By the end of this chaotic period the Old Kingdom had completely