Apriorism (Assignment # 6)
Submitted to
Professor Juan Carlos Cachanosky
Niloufar Shahlaeinamini
Research Methodology
DBA program
SMC University
June 24, 2011
Working from within the Austrian paradigm, in 1912 Mises is the first one who apply marginal utility theory to money itself and his first major work is in The Theory of Money and Credit. He caused one of economics’ most contentious and clear debates a few years after his claim that central planning, regardless of its unfavorable on other fields, it was impossible to do successfully. Holding to this claim and being a certain and inflexible proponent of classical liberalism ruined Mises academic reputation for mention of his life.
The Problem of Quantitative Definiteness
Lab tests and observation of external phenomena help to natural science to proceed by measurement and explain the knowledge. Nowadays, everybody know that the measurement are approximate and they are not precise full sense and completely correct. On the other hand, Heisenberg frame shows that some relationship exists and people cannot measure them.
Also in the human action`s territory you cannot find any fix relationship between factors, so there is no measurement and quantification possible.
All measurable magnitudes that human action sciences face with
References: 9 - Nicholas Rau.Feb28,2008. Macroeconomics A Modern Approach.Retrieved June15, 2011 from http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/story.asp?storyCode=400826&sectioncode=8 10- Harald Uhlig(n.d 17 -Ludwig von Mises. July 07, 2007. The Sciences of Human Action. Retrieved June19, 2011 from http://mises.org/daily/2565 18-Ludwis von Mises.(n.d.).The fallacies of Psitivism [ 9 ]. - Nicholas Rau.Feb28,2008. Macroeconomics A Modern Approach.Retrieved June15, 2011 from http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/story.asp?storyCode=400826§ioncode=8 [ 10 ] [ 11 ]. - Sophie de Mijolla-Mellor,2005. Omnipotence of Thoughts. International Dictionary of Psychoanalysis.Retrieved June 16, 2011 from http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1G2-3435301010.html [ 12 ] [ 17 ]. -Ludwig von Mises. July 07, 2007. The Sciences of Human Action. Retrieved June19, 2011 from http://mises.org/daily/2565 [ 18 ]