Mathematics is an important discipline of learning at the secondary stage. It helps the learners in acquiring decision- making ability through its applications to real life both in familiar and unfamiliar situations. It predominately contributes to the development of precision, rational and analytical thinking, reasoning and scientific temper. One of the basic aims of teaching
Mathematics at the Secondary stage is to inculcate the skill of quantification of experiences around the learner. Mathematics helps the learners to understand and solve the day to day life problems faced by them including those from trade, banking, sales tax and commission in transaction. It also helps them to acquire the skill of representing data in the form of tables/graphs and to draw conclusions from the same.
The present curriculum in Mathematics includes the appreciation of the historical development of mathematical knowledge with special reference to the contribution of Indian mathematicians particularly in the introduction of zero, the decimal system of numeration in the international form (popularly known as Hindu – Arabic numerals ). The learners are encouraged to enhance their computational skills using Vedic Mathematics.
The main objectives of teaching Mathematics at the Secondary stage are to enable the learners to :
acquire knowledge and understanding of the terms, concepts, symbols, principles and processes. •
acquire the skill of quantification of experiences around them.
acquire the skill of drawing geometrical figures, charts and graphs representing given data.
interpret tabular/graphical representation of the data.
articulate logically and use the same to prove results.
translate the word problems in the mathematical form and solve them.
appreciate the contribution of Indian mathematicians towards the development of the subject.