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- By Sameer Hashmi Nitish Kumar is been described by many as the ‘miracle ma n’ of Bihar. The progress which Bihar has made in the last four years is nothing short of a miracle considering that the state was witnessing de- growth only half a decade back. The latest data released by the Central Statistical Organiz ation (CSO) shows that Bihar has grown at a stunning rate of 11.03% in the last five years. The most startling aspect is that, it is the second fastest growing state in India, just a shade behind Gujarat. Not surprisingly, it was only five years back that Nitish Kumar took over as the chief minister of Bihar after fifteen years of Lalu- Rabri jungle raja. So, what was the secret formula of Nitish Kumar that turned the Bihar story dramatically?
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Requirement The formula was simple- he worked on the basics. He focussed on two key areas- the law Apply! & order situation & infrastructure. Co lle g e s .Camp us Co rne r.c o m … The first and foremost challenge for Nitish was to restore the law of the land. During the Lalu- Rabri rule Bihar had become synonymous with kidnappings & killings. Eradicating this disease was not an easy task for Kumar. But his tight grip on the police departement ensured that the law of the land was gradually implemented. Speedy trial of criminal cases along with selection of police officers on merit instilled confidence in the public. The government also recruited 10,000 constables to bolster the security situation. And