They are similar products in comparison and the prices are very close to each other.
I did a marketing research and the strategies are similar as follows
I researched the companies and the way they target their market they do primary and secondary research
Secondary research
In the deodorant category, companies used many secondary research sources to discover consumers' views and their need for deodorants. These related to different markets and were supplied by local country market researchers. These included a consumer usage and attitude study. And external study to cover the importance of scent and fragrance to people's well-being and mood.
Primary research
They commissioned some primary qualitative research in key markets. This was aided by the local Market Research Manager. The aim was to understand the motivations for using deodorant amongst the female consumer.
Consumers showed a need for a 'beautifying, caring deodorant'. Companies’ generated ideas on how to address the consumer need.
The companies needed to know which concept was preferred by prospective consumers. It carried out market research to test whether the concepts would work. The research was conducted amongst the desired target market, the desired target market was 18-35 year-old women & men who, followed fashion and looked for products with extra benefits.
1) Deodorant category performance measures. These included wetness, dryness, and fragrance. The new concept must deliver generic core benefits.
2) Product attributes specific to the new product and core values. For example, it leaves your skin feeling silky and gives you beautiful underarms. Consumers needed to understand and see these benefits.
3) The product needed to be relevant and motivate a consumer to purchase it.
Top of Form
All 4 products have a name and packaging design that were well