☞ The Boss’s son; a young, pugnacious man, who was once a semi-professional boxer
☞ A blind dog described as ‘old’ and ‘crippled’
☞ A young, pretty woman who is mistrusted by her husband
☞ A quick witted man who looks after Lennie and dreams of a better life
❖ Who is the Boss’s son? ❖
☞ Candy
☞ Slim
☞ Lennie
☞ Curley
❖ Who is Lennie? ❖
☞ A ranch worker who lost a hand in an accident
☞ A mentally disabled, but strong man who travels with George; He dreams of being able to tend to rabbits
☞ A "jerkline skinner," the main driver of a mule team.
☞ The Boss’s son; a young, pugnacious man, who was once a semi-professional boxer
❖ Who is Curley? ❖
☞ A ranch worker who lost a hand in an accident
☞ The Boss’s son; a young, pugnacious man, who was once a semi-professional boxer
☞ A young, pretty woman who is mistrusted by her husband
☞ A blind dog described as ‘old’ and ‘crippled’
❖ Who is Candy? ❖
☞ A young, pretty woman who is mistrusted by her husband
☞ An old fellow who is willing to pitch in to help Lennie and George with their dream, so that they all can have a better life
☞ The Boss’s son; a young, pugnacious man, who was once a semi-professional boxer
☞ A young actress coming to take Curley’s wife
❖ What is Curley’s Wife’s dream? ❖
☞ To own a farm of her own
☞ To be a famous actress
☞ To marry Slim
☞ To go back home
❖ Who is Slim? ❖ ☞ A young boy who makes fun of Lennie ☞ A quick witted man who looks after Lennie and dreams of a better life
☞ An old fellow who is willing to pitch in to help Lennie and George with their dream, so that they all can have a better life
☞ A "jerkline skinner," the main driver of a mule team.
❖Why did George and Lennie flee from their previous employment in Weed? ❖
☞ Accusation of stealing food
☞ Accusation of stealing rabbits
☞ Accusation of murder
☞ Accusation of attempted rape
❖Who protects who? ❖
☞ George protects Lennie
☞ Lennie protects George