Also, President Obama’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing put forth a set of recommendations for policing best practices in response to the president’s Executive Order: “The Task Force shall, consistent with applicable law, identify best practices and otherwise make recommendations to the President on how policing practices can promote effective crime reduction while building public trust.”8 These recommendations could also be used as a standard. Finally, the Department of Justice, as an objective third-party, has the ability to investigate a police department to determine the presence of constitutional violations and the ability to require reforms.
No. 6 - Alternatives: Unlike options, which require the consent of the parties involved, “alternatives” are actions that a single party can take on its own without the consent of the other parties. In the absence of a negotiated agreement, a party can act on an alternative to satisfy its own interests in a conflict. In the case of the police force party, they can act on several of the previously stated options like changing internal practices/protocols and planning community events/activities. However, by acting on these as alternatives without