The Impact of the No Child Left Behind Act on the K-8 Setting
Kara Robertson
A Senior Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for graduation
in the Honors Program
Liberty University
Fall 2009
No Child Left Behind 2
Acceptance of Senior Honors Thesis
This Senior Honors Thesis is accepted in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for graduation from the
Honors Program of Liberty University.
Shanté Moore-Austin, Ph.D.
Thesis Chair
Janice DeLong, M.Ed.
Committee Member
Connie McDonald, Ph.D.
Committee Member
James Nutter, D.A.
Honors Director
No Child Left Behind 3
The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), which was implemented in 2002, is changing the classroom for teachers and students. The legislation is widely discussed across the nation and people are deciding whether or not this change is suitable for education. The No Child Left Behind Act is affecting the core subjects in the classroom. After evaluating literature on the subject, it is obvious that there are two clear sides to this legislation. There are also actions that can be taken by teachers within the classroom to best utilize NCLB. As a future educator, it is important to evaluate NCLB and all it entails as it places a large amount of pressure on teachers and students across America. The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate NCLB and its effect on the K-8 classroom setting specifically in regards to the core subject areas.
No Child Left Behind 4
The Impact of the No Child Left Behind Act on the K-8 Setting
Many individuals can recall the K-8 setting as an avenue for teachers to teach with creativity and as an avenue where one’s love for the children
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