Fracking wells inject water, sand, and chemicals deep into the ground to mine natural gas. Runoff from this process inevitably ends up in groundwater systems. It takes 360 billion gallons of harmful chemicals to run all of the fracking wells in The U. S. If leaked, respiratory, sensory, and neurological…
During the process in which the fracking solution is forced into the ground at high pressures, occasionally toxic fluids can leak out from the system and contaminate nearby drinking water. Environmental studies have concluded that methane concentrations are seventeen times higher in drinking water wells near fracturing sites. There are at least 1,000 documented cases of water contamination next to fracking areas as well as cases of sensory, respiratory, and neurological damage due to ingested contaminated water. Up to six hundred chemicals are used in the fluid solution they send into the ground, including carcinogens and toxins such as uranium, methanol, mercury, hydrolic acid, ethylene, glycol, and formaldehyde. When they bring the fracturing fluid back up after fracturing the shale rocks, to release the natural gas, only thirty to fifty percent of it is recovered. The waste solution recovered is then left in open air pits to evaporate, releasing harmful VOC’s (volatile…
Hydraulic fracturing, otherwise known as fracking, is a 60 year old practice of pumping high pressure water into shale rock thousands of feet below the earth’s surface. The pressurized water is pumped through cement encased pipes at pressures reaching 9000 pounds per square inch. The treated water is forced into small cracks in the gas-rich shale rock, resulting in the breaking of the rock and the release of natural gas that would otherwise be unobtainable. Hydraulic fracturing is a safe, economically efficient way to drill for natural gas, create jobs, and lessen America’s dependency on foreign oil.…
Hydraulic Fracturing or fracking was first introduced in 1940s and has then been a key provider of natural gas and oil worldwide. Despite its expansion and customary use, fracking still poses many health and environmental concerns. During fracking, pressurized liquids are injected into drilled wells, which cause the surrounding rock to crack open allowing gas and oil flow through the fissures. Millions of gallons of water are used and a similarly large volume of waste water is generated. Most of the water is never restored and the stored waste water and fracking fluid can adversely affect the animals and vegetation around it. Along with the water, other chemicals are injected into the ground as far as 10,000 feet below the surface and enter groundwater, polluting drinking sources for many. Fracking may be a key provider of oil but this expensive, polluting, low energy-return process is not worth the loss of wildlife habitat, natural land and innumerable water resources.…
Fracking, also known as, hydraulic fracturing is the idea of using hydraulic pumps mixed with water, sand, and chemicals to break rocks apart at high pressures which then will release gasses. The chemicals used are not really known, but are said to be extremely hazardous to people, animals, and etc. The pumps on these machines use water from creeks as a water source. The sand that is used, is removed from the bottom of a local creek bed or can be manually added into the mixture. By removing it from a local creek bed, this could endanger local species that call the creek bed home.…
What is fracking, Fracking is the process of drilling down into the earth before a high-pressure water mixture is directed at the rock to release the gas inside. Water, sand and chemicals are injected into the rock at high pressure which allows the gas to flow out to the head of the well. The process can be carried out vertically or, more commonly, by drilling horizontally to the rock layer and can create new pathways to release gas or can be used to extend existing channels. The term fracking refers to how the rock is fractured apart by the high pressure mixture.…
This paper explores the hydraulic fracturing process, exactly what it is, what the fracturing process does to the earth and the surrounding environment in addition, to the consequences. Hydraulic fracturing is fracturing of rock by pressurization. This process by which oil and natural gas can be forced from the earth. The hydraulic fracturing process takes millions of gallons of clean water, sand, chemicals and pumps them underground at high pressure to break apart rock to release gas and or oil. My research has led me to the discovery that there are as many proponents for fracking as that are those that oppose the process. One thing no-one can deny or easily hide is that once the damage is done and something has gone wrong, the evidence usually speaks volumes that this is not something we should be doing to our planet or its people. The diagram on page 3 outlines the process defined as fracking for an easier understanding of how invasive the process is to the environment.…
One good effect that fracking has had and Gold noted, is that fracking has significantly improved our economy by creating more jobs for people. For many years our economy had suffered with plummeting unemployment rates, but about 10 years ago when fracking came about it was like a savior had come because fracking provided more jobs and in turn lowered the unemployment rate. In some ways fracking is a better alternative for the environment. Burning coal is very hazardous to the environment because of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. Fracking does not produce CO2 emissions because it is natural gas that is being produced and thus it is technically cleaner…
Toxic waste from the hydraulic fracking is one of the worst things that is happening as of right now. Fracturing fluid chemicals are known to cause cancer and they sometimes use the fracturing fluid for flowback. The flowback of fracturing enters the air easily.…
While fracking accidents are mostly harming the animals, fracking also pollutes the water, consequently people are noticing a huge change in water quality. Fracking contaminates the water in a very obvious way. Fracking could had been done only using water and clean sand. However to make the job easier and cheaper, the process includes many other 596 or more chemicals, many were harmful and some were unknown. Even though the fluid used in the process is pumped out after doing its job, it's impossible to get it all out. People found black grease, odors, methane, a gassy taste, and black sediments in their drinking water after the…
In the process of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) waste fluid is a resulting product other than the gas extracted. This waste fluid is toxic, and there are currently no regulations that require companies to properly dispose of the toxic waste fluid produced. The current disposal method is leaving the volatile organic compounds (waste fluid) in open pits where the most toxic remain of the once fracking fluid are left to evaporate or leach back into the ground resulting in air and ground…
Land and wildlife is also being affected by hydrolytic fracking. With the rising demand for gas production more land will be needed. Land is being cleared off at an unbelievable rate and habitats are being destroyed. This could cause a serious, and life-threatening impact on the wildlife. In California fracking is mostly done in areas where endangered species live and it can potentially do a lot of harm to…
Water is one of our important resources that were given to us by mother nature. We see water as a source for survival and many more advantages. It's fragile, and the smallest amount of contaminants could ruin it for a population, yet one of the major ingredients in fracking processes is the water. Reports of accidents involving water contamination are everywhere. The basic process of fracking is its uses of incredible amounts of gallons of water per drill and drilling so close to groundwater sources risk contamination. "Accidents have already been documented and citizen's well waters have been tainted with toxic chemicals", according to the Climate Progress. (Foster) Many of the chemicals used in the fracking process are proven toxins. These include benzene, ethyl-benzene, toluene, xylene, naphthalene, and other hazardous chemicals that are harmful if any contact is made.…
Hydraulic fracturing (also known as fracking), a way of obtaining natural gas that is used today, may cause cancer and may speed up global warming’s. Fracking injects a mix of water, "chemicals, sand, and other materials into layers of shale, a type of rock" (Source 1). The injection flows down a pipe that is going through the shale. To obtain the natural gas, the pressure in the pipe causes the rock around the pipe to crack, allowing natural gas to escape. Then, the gas flows up the well and is collected. However, Hydraulic fracturing should be put to a stop, because of health concerns, and the effect fracking may have on global warming’s.…
Another problem that has developed due to fracking is pollution around the dig sites. Emissions associated with combustion include nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxide, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. Another emission problem is the emission produced from the natural gas. Gasses such as methane, ethane and liquid condensate and volatile organic compounds (VOC). VOC’s have been proven to cause birth defects, neurological problems, and cancer. Most recently, in March of 2012, officials in Ohio are blaming the wastewater produced from fracking for a series of recent earthquakes.…