In this passage from “No Name Woman,” Maxine Hong Kingston imagines what old world China was like, and paints a picture of a repressive, strictly ordered society in which people were essentially unable to have private lives. Everything had to be done for the sake of the family’s or village’s well-being. In such a world, Kingston’s aunt represents the worst kind of transgressor, one whose private lusts disrupted the social order and threatened the very existence of the village. Kingston uses interesting and imaginative stylistic techniques to represent the “circle” or “roundness” of Chinese life and the struggle this creates for both the village and No Name Woman.…
from France. Once France left they had to operate on their own and this is where the problem…
The woman was raped by someone in the village. In those times it wasn’t considered rape because she was just doing what the man had told her to do. In tose times in China women had to do whatever a man asked them to do no matter what it was. The society gave the men everything and the women were nothing more than possessions that men could do with what they pleased. Women were worth nothing back then.…
The Death of Woman Wang, by Jonathan D. Spence, paints a vivid picture of provincial China in the seventeenth century. Manly the life in the northeastern country of T’an-ch’eng. T’an-ch’eng has been through a lot including: an endless cycle of floods, plagues, crop failures, banditry, and heavy taxation. Chinese society in Confucian terms was a patriarchal society with strict rules of conduct. The role at this time of women, however, has historically been one of repression. The traditional ideal woman was a dependent being whose behavior was governed by the "three obedience’s and four virtues". The three obedience’s were obedience to father before marriage, the husband after marriage, and the son in case of widows. The four virtues were propriety in behavior, speech, demeanor and employment. The laws of the land and fear of shame in society dictated that men were allowed to rule over their household leaving women in a powerless state as almost a slave of the home. In P’u’s stories women are portrayed as complex characters who hold important roles in the family, but are treated with little to no respect by authority figures, and other men of higher class. In The Death of Woman Wang, Spence portrays…
There is a cause-and-effect relationship between No Name Woman and White Tigers. In No Name Women, a nameless aunt becomes notorious and outcast. She finally cannot take much pressure anymore and commits suicide when she gives birth to an illegitimate child. Telling the death of the nameless aunt to Kingston, her mother warns Kingston that “now that you have started to menstruate, what happened to her could happen to you. Don’t humiliate us. You wouldn’t like to be forgotten as if you had never been born. The villagers are watchful.” (P5) The nameless aunt seems to have no relationship with Kingston, but it reminds Kingston about her community in America. On one hand, her mother brackets them together because she has a negative attitude toward the woman’s role in Chinese society. On the other hand, people who live around Kingston still follow the conservative thoughts just like the villagers. They degrade women’s role in the society and limit women’s freedom. Kingston grows up with the conflicts of two different…
“Undressing Aunt Frieda,” is a poem about the narrator’s remembrance of his Aunts life while visiting her on a death bed. The narrative is in first person, and takes place as the narrator and his daughter are about to leave the relative. The first half of the poem explores Frieda and her past. The second half is about how the narrator and daughter have grown and learned from the aunt. While undressing her aunt, the narrator feels emotions and remembers his past with Frieda. The poem describes these emotions and memories in a metaphor explaining unique characteristics of how Aunt Frieda undressed, and how she impacted the relatives.…
The video we saw during class was interesting and it caught my attention since I can relate to what was being said. There was talk about Hispanic Americans and how each generation lived differently. But the main thing I took from the video was the idea of America being an international country; a nation of immigrants. However we must be careful to not assimilate into the masses to the point where we completely forget our heritage. It is our very heritage and culture which contribute to the country which makes our nation an international nation.…
In “No Name Woman”, the author Kingston tells of one of her families most hidden secrets. She never knew she had an aunt until her mother told her after several years. Her aunt, had gotten pregnant at a young age and committed suicide because her family disowned her and she felt unloved. The author’s aunt let her mistakes she made in life identify who she was.…
“No Name Woman” is a work of literature that tells about Kingston’s upcoming in the Chinese-American culture. The core of the story is about a story that Kingston’s mother is telling her about her aunt. “In China, your father had a sister who killed herself… We say that your father has all brothers because it is as if she had never been born.”(1507) Kingston continued to listen to her mother explain that her aunt was pregnant and accused of adultery because her husband had been away for some time. Kingston’s mother tells her this story solely to teach her a lesson about the responsibilities of becoming a woman. “Don’t let your father know that I told you. He denies her. Now that you have started to menstruate, what happened to her could happen to you.” Kingston’s family wants her to participate in the punishment of her aunt; however, she interprets the story as a different lesson. She relates to her aunt because, like Kingston, her aunt did not want to conform to norms of society. Kingston relates to the spiteful acts of her aunt. She feels that in order for her to understand the moral of the story, then her aunts life must branch into her own. Kingston interprets her own judgement of her aunt. Instead of conforming to her family’s beliefs, she forms her own purpose of the story. Kingston shows great cultural growth by honoring her aunt using…
1a)b) Three phrases that indicate the status of women in china in 1922 would be; "Jingmei, my own grandmother, She was the widow of a poor scholar, a man who had the misfortune of dying from influenza when he was about to be appointed a vice magistrate. In 1924 or so, a rich man forced her into becoming one of his concubines. My grandmother, now an outcast, took her young daughter to live with her on an island outside of Shanghai. She left her son behind, to save his face." In our society a women wouldn't be out casted if she was forced to have relations with a man, the man would be the one to pay. " Nunu Aiyi, "Precious Auntie." she divorced her husband, a daring thing for a woman to do. But then, finding no means to support herself or her young daughter, Nunu eventually accepted the lawyer's second proposal to become his number two concubine. "Where else could she go?" my mother asked. "Some people said she was lucky the lawyer still wanted her.'" In our country women get divorces all the time and wouldn't think herself lucky to be a man’s mistress. If she were to get a divorce she could work and support her family, not have to depend on a man to take care of her.…
In the works that we came across during the quarter, women identity and social status depend on the male figures of their lives rather than on their individual self. Women in the Qing Dynasty, like women from previous ruling period were divided into three main categories of mother, wife and daughter. When she was little, a girl life and future are depending on her father and his reputation in society; everyone part of the outer sphere refer to her as someone’s daughter because her father is the main male figure of her life at the moment. As a child, a daughter is often spoiled by her parents as a counter measurement for her rigorous journey as a wife and as a mother in the future. Daughters were giving more freedom and flexibility during their…
13. Lines 228–243: Describe Mrs. Hutchinson’s behavior and the reaction from the other villagers. Compare your observations with your earlier perceptions of the characters.…
“A woman's duty is not to control or take charge…a woman’s greatest duty is to produce a son.” ("Women and Confucianism”) This is a quote by the great Confucius, who lived as a well-known teacher and philosopher in ancient China. However, this simple statement very accurately sums up what many cultures throughout history have expected of women. Even across such different times and places as the ancient Roman Empire (510 BC – 420 CE) and the Chinese Han Dynasty (206 BC – 220 CE), women were considered inferior to men, with their social class very similar to slaves. From home life to education to politics, women of these two cultures shared many similarities as well as acute differences.…
The second part of the story, which takes place a hundred years after the first, is both disturbing and mysterious. It involves a group of young people, Mr. and Mrs. Jenny, their pretty sisters and their sisters’ lovers who talk about the possibility of having a ghost inside their house and eventually discover the house’s dreadful secret. This part reveals the secret from the first part. Without it, the first part would have been very vague and incomplete. Along with the characters from the second part, we must attempt to read across a hundred years of silence to reconstruct the first woman’s story. We are forced to discover what traditions, what historical and cultural continuities link the two halves of the story together.…
The short story is written in third-person (l. 8) “why shouldn’t she?” The narrator is not omniscient, but we have inner-angel from Aunt El since we only “hear” thoughts from her, and not from Tobie or Warrick. (line. 104) “She felt the shock of the words”. You can’t really tell if the narrator is reliable or not, since we don’t know which connection he has to any of those in the story. Neither does he try to make anyone to seem like the “bad guy”, but the narrator is making us feel sorry for Aunt El, for her big lost Jackie. (L. 24 & 89) “She hadn’t been allowed to do this one last thing for Jackie” “but we have to get used to living without loved ones”.…