As stated in Tinker v. Des Moines, “...[i]t could not be justified by a showing that the students’ activities would materially and substantially disrupt the work and discipline of the school”(Tinker v. Des Moines School District). This case justifies how important it is that the court repeatedly emphasizes the need to guarantee the absolute authority of the States and of the school officials, persistent with fundamental constitutional safeguards, to determine and control the conduct in the schools. Additionally, as expressed in the Bristol Student Handbook, “Access to the School District’s Technology is provided as a privilege and as an educational tool. In order to continue enjoying access to the Technology, each student must take responsibility for appropriate and lawful use of this privilege. Students are responsible for their behavior with the Technology just as they are in a classroom, school hallway or other School District property” (Upper Arlington Schools Students’ Handbook…
The second reason that students shouldn't be allowed to use cell phones in school for education is for the sake of the teachers, a teacher should not have to fight for the attention of his or her students due to technology. After twenty years of teaching history and ESL for Lowell High School, Miriam Morgenstern is quitting her job for multiple reasons. One of Morgenstern’s reasons for quitting is her students and their cell phones, she explains her frustration, “The texting, tweeting, and snapchatting during class time are ‘an incredible distraction, and makes it much more difficult to teach,’ she said. ‘It’s pretty hard to compete with a very funny YouTube video.’” It is unacceptable that students are using their phones while the teacher…
“Give me your phone!” “Whose phone was that?” That’s what the students at Mossy Creek Middle School deal with because the school bans the student for using their cell phones in class. My friend, Tucker, got faced with getting placed in ISS for using his phone in class. I believe that the 8th grade students should be able to use their phones in class.…
If you are a teacher? Wouldn’t you want your student to listen and not play with their cell phones? If than those students that didn’t listen are not going to pass any test or even get to the point of dropping out. But anyone who listened should be able to pass test and not drop out of school. So do you want your students to listen? Or will they just play with their cell phones. And maybe in a factual condition in the classroom, status if you’re going to let them use their cell phones…
After reviewing Sheyenne's cell phone policy and researching the benefits and drawbacks of cell phones, I urge you to revise the cell phone policy, and allow more cell phone use in the school. Cell phones are permitted in certain parts of the school, but the technology needs to be integrated into the classrooms. With this incorporation of technology in the classroom it can provide more depth in the lesson, and collaboration among students. Some teachers may see the use of cell phones in the classroom as disrespectful. They perceive this as disrespectful, for they took time to prepare the lesson, and the student is not paying attention. In actuality the student is not disturbing others, and if they decide to not pay attention,…
There is more than one side to the debate about cell phone availability during school. One claim is that students should be allowed to have their phones on them and use their cell phones during appropriate times. In the article, the authors provide details about how there are numerous reasons why cell phones should be allowed during school. Students should be allowed access to cell phones, because if they are responsible enough to be going off to college in a year or so, they should be responsible enough to have a cell phone on them and use it wisely (George and Cook). Another reason why cell phones should be allowed in school is because otherwise it can create a divide between the students and the teachers. Students are so invested in their phones, so if a teacher…
References: Diamantes, T. (2010). Recent court rulings regarding student use of cell phones in today 's…
One reason why teachers and administrators ban the use of phones is because they believe that students wouldn’t pay attention and wouuldn’t be able to learn what they’re talking about. I disagree with this because mostly everyone at Jenks secretly checks their phones in every class. Even people making straight A’s in AP classes check them.…
"The ban, which was implemented by the Bloomberg administration, went into effect in 2006, but Mayor Bill De Blasio championed the policy change, saying that he thought it was important for parents to be able to easily contact their kids." (Kiema) Some teachers think it would be nice if cell phones weren't allowed in school but since they are they should use them to their advantage. As soon as the new policy is in place starting in March, individual schools in New York City will be able to establish their own policies concerning cell phone use in the classroom, leaving many teachers to determine how they will react to the phones in hallways and classrooms. Students should be aloud to have their phones because it is also a way for parents to contact their kids during school hours or vice versa. It should also be aloud if the students have practice and then it got cancelled so they would have to call their parents and tell them about the change in plans. Truth is that some schools are open to the cell phone idea and some aren't.…
The first day of class began with reading a syllabus. All the students sat quietly as the teacher read aloud what was to be expected. Reading more and more into it, the teacher mentioned that no cell phones were to be used in class…students groaning; typical right? Students had never been allowed to use their cell phones in class, let alone in the school. So why were they so disappointed? Teachers make that rule because cell phones distract students’ learning processes and takes away from good learning.…
In school, there is always that one annoying rule, no phones allowed in class! Students are able to take risks by bringing their phones to school. “65% of cell-owning teens at schools that completely ban phones bring their phones to school every day”(Boyd) Is that really the responsibility of the teacher to be telling you to put your phone away? If you miss something its not on the teacher. You can’t ask your teacher later because again, it’s not the teacher’s fault. I know teachers get paid to teach but the student is also required to put effort into his/her education. They are your grades and your future so it should be your decision to use your phone in class.…
Most school administrations regard cell phone use as disruptive and distracting, and have implemented policies that prohibits using them on school grounds. Cell phones are a disruption in school. Text messaging can be used to cheat on tests. Students who are text messaging are not able to give full attention to the lesson. If a student cell phone rings in class, it totally disrupts the class for a considerable period of time. Many cell phones are also camera phones. Camera phones present an invasion of privacy in the schools . One of the best ways we can protect the privacy of every student is to ban cell phones from school during the school day.…
In today’s society everywhere we look people of all ages and genders are parading with his or her cell phones. Whether they are driving, walking down the aisle in the grocery store, or even in class, cell phones have become a part of an individual’s everyday life. However, it is always a controversy in the classroom between teachers and students whether cell phone usage should be allowed in school. Students like myself enjoy texting during his or her classes, but teachers, however, greatly oppose to it.…
Should cell phones be allowed in Piedmont High School? Although there should be regulations to this allowance, I believe they should be allowed because cell phones have many uses that may prove to be helpful to students. For example, my laptop crashed recently while I was in school. The only way I could access my assignments and reminders was through my cell phone. Some may argue that cell phones are only a distraction. A lot of students at Piedmont High School play on their phones during lessons. This causes the teacher to stop class to tell the student to put their phone away. At the same time, it is the students fault if they miss important information due to them using their cell phone. Allowing cell phones in class will tech responsibility by giving them a choice of when to use it.…
As technology advances, cell phones become a frequently used object. Cellphones are becoming a big deal in classrooms. They remain a vast disruption to fellow classmates, and I believe they shouldn't be permitted.…