By her early teens, this person was no longer sanctioned to work inside, so she was hired out as a field hand. My character wrought profoundly and strenuously hard and long hours out in the fields. There was no subsistence of a reposal for slaves.
At the age of 12, my character sustained an injury that would afflict her for the duration of her life. By holding her ground in a doorway, she shielded a fellow field hand from an irate master, who then hurled a two-pound weight. Missing its intended target, the weight struck my character on her head. She never consummately recuperated from the blow, whose effects subjected her to episodes resembling narcolepsy. …show more content…
She visually perceived as a wild child. One time my character visually perceived a bowl filled with lumps of sugar and decided to take one. My characters mistress, Miss. Susan, visually perceived her take it and commenced chasing her with a whip. My character absquatulated and obnubilated out with the pigs. After some time, she had to go back, because she was hungry. When she returned she was whipped perpetually? “She verbally expressed, “Now you ken, I never had anything good, no saccharine, no sugar, and that sugar right by me did look so