For example, we see quite a bit of wildlife preservations. I think this goes along with Sturgeon’s example of preserving wildlife. It is extremely heartbreaking to see the animal, or wildlife, preserves everywhere, why should animals be preserved when we could merely stop hurting them and “preserve”, which is to say leave them alone, in their natural habitat. We, as a society, could be more aware of the things that we do, and it would most likely solve the problem of animal and wildlife extinction. This broad example has to do with nature and culture intersecting because it isn’t “natural” for animals to be kept in an area that they aren’t exactly native to. When this example is narrowed down, you can see that this applies to zoos and aquariums. Zoos are a part of our culture because we like to look at the animals and wildlife that we don’t get to see anywhere else unless, of course, we travel, which are the natural part of this
For example, we see quite a bit of wildlife preservations. I think this goes along with Sturgeon’s example of preserving wildlife. It is extremely heartbreaking to see the animal, or wildlife, preserves everywhere, why should animals be preserved when we could merely stop hurting them and “preserve”, which is to say leave them alone, in their natural habitat. We, as a society, could be more aware of the things that we do, and it would most likely solve the problem of animal and wildlife extinction. This broad example has to do with nature and culture intersecting because it isn’t “natural” for animals to be kept in an area that they aren’t exactly native to. When this example is narrowed down, you can see that this applies to zoos and aquariums. Zoos are a part of our culture because we like to look at the animals and wildlife that we don’t get to see anywhere else unless, of course, we travel, which are the natural part of this