In partial fulfillment of the requirements for Managing Innovation and Change- Section B
I. Problems
A. Macro
Looking at the situation form a macro standpoint, the problems that can be identified from this case analysis is that the organizations policies and practices are outdated, and under designed. This problem creates unwanted debt to the company, and does not allow for transitional change management to occur naturally. Poor strategic planning, design, and failure to successfully eliminate un-necessary roles, are creating strategic problems.
1. Communication with train operators on the rail line due to geographic location.
2. Outdated contracts with the telegraph operators dramatically reduce role capacity and responsibility infrastructure.
B. Micro
Looking at the case from a micro standpoint, there are various policies and procedures in regards how the organization is managed. Because there is no competition for this particular railroad, there are several key elements that are described that prohibit the company from achieving the goals of streamlining their operation. 1. Favoritism: This issue is a concern in any organization. Hiring or promoting employees based on how well they are liked, and not how well they can do the job, creates a disconnect amongst employees, and leads the other micro related problems in the organization. 2. Featherbedding:” practice of limited output of work in order to provide more jobs and prevent unemployment” (Brown, p.$$) 3. Internal Politicking: Dave was assigned the roles and responsibilities of his position, but also given a verbal directive from leadership. As Dave tried to get this directive in writing, he was met with excuses and told to do what he thought was best for the company. TThis immediately put Dave on the defensive, because he realized that he was being put in a lose-lose situation, that would