This module traces the evolution of the computer as it has been applied to an expanding scope of business with IT applications. The first application involved the handling of accounting transactions and was called data processing. Then, managers and computer scientists recognized that for greater potential existed in the form of information support for decision making. The first application of the computer as an information system was called the management information system (MIS), and it was followed by more specialized applications such as decision support systems (DSS), the virtual office, and knowledge-based systems to describe all of these business applications of the computer. The objective of module 1 is to introduce the CBIS as an information management tool.
Learning Objectives:
After studying this module, the students should be able to:
identify the main types of resources that are available to a firm. appreciate the information needs to be managed just as any other resource. explain why there is so much interest in managing information. identify who the users of computers are. discuss the elements of the computer-based information system (CBIS) and how they evolved. be familiar with the types of information specialists who can assist the user in developing information systems. appreciate the difficulty of economically justifying the cost of a computer system. explain how a computer system evolves through a life cycle and recognize the roles played by the manager and information specialists.
Learning Activity:
Case 1
(FREEWAY FORD) You are a sales representative for Automobile, Inc., a national firm that markets a software package for car dealers. One day while you are talking with James Kahler, the sales manager for Freeway Ford, you learn that his