At birth, Asia’s assigned gender was female, but as they got older, they self-identified as having a non-binary gender (Ellen Meets Trailblazing Actor). The difference between the two concepts of gender assignment and gender identity is that gender assignment is given at birth and is determined by physical body attributes, whereas gender identity is how one claims their actual gender (Shaw and Lee 118-119). From this understanding, it should also be noted that gender cannot be equated with sexuality. Gender is based on femininity, masculinity, or nonconforming to strictly either option, whereas sexuality is based on sexual desires and feelings and how they are enacted (Shaw and Lee 122). Asia’s identification as non-binary means that they are neither strictly male nor female. Oppression is evident …show more content…
Privilege is expressed through Asia’s apparent racial identity because in the United States, White people are seen as superior to people of color (Shaw and Lee 54). Another expression of Asia’s privilege is displayed by the fact that she is able-bodied, since able-bodied people are viewed as superior to the disabled (Shaw and Lee 54). Their identity as able-bodied comes from the fact that they have no obvious physical or mental limitations. Being from the upper class also privileges Asia because the upper class reigns dominant over the middle and low class (Shaw and Lee 54). Their upper class status comes from the fact that Asia is an actor that has played multiple major roles in television and theatre productions, as well as the fact that they are the founder and director of MIRROR/FIRE productions (Artavia). In today’s society, it is apparent that Asia is privileged in all of these