Below is email from the underwriter. The borrower is a Disable Veteran with 100% disability. According to Texas tax code 11.131 veteran will not pay any property taxes. The file was submitted without property taxes. The underwriter counter the file by paying off additional debt and included property taxes. I called the underwriter regarding the counter offer and if I asked if I could provide documentation to show proof that the Veteran will not pay property taxes. She asked if I could get a something from title company of tax office she would review it. I submitted a letter from Galveston County. Underwriter requested a exception and te exception was denied. Please help me. The file is due to close this week.…
Tuerk, P. W., Yoder, M., Grubaugh, A., Myrick, H., Hammer, M., & Acierno, R. (2011). Prolonged exposure therapy for combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder: An examination of treatment effectiveness for veterans of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 25, 397-403.…
A disorder once referred to as “shell shock” or “battle fatigue” is now being referred to as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Individuals who are exposed to wars, accidents, or crime, the chances are that he/she may experience (PTSD) based on his/her personality. One psychologist by the name of Inge Bramsen, did a study with 572 men, to see how personality might be a causal factor. Reports made from some men that had seen high numbers of events that were stressful like shootings or dead people; had the most severe symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. While other men who had high rates on personality traits for example negativism and paranoia before being deployed, developed post-traumatic stress later.…
According to statistics it is estimated that one in twenty of the surviving World War II veterans suffer from some level of post-traumatic stress disorder. Also known as PTSD, it occurs when one experiences a tragic, petrifying moment. War veterans suffer from this condition all the time. There are many ways to treat post-traumatic stress disorder, but not to completely get rid of it. Some treatments consist of medication, stress management classes, as well as different therapies. In war, you see and live through traumatic events. You foresee individuals that get there arm or legs blown off, on top of ones that lose their lives. Gunshots and explosions are implanted in your brain; there is no way to forget.…
War is a terrible thing. It has confounding effects on everyone involved. Some people take it well, while others have such horrible experiences that it scares them for life and affects them even after the war when they return home. Ernest Hemingway's Soldier's Home and Tim O'Brien's How to Tell a True War Story are two great examples of literature that express' what any particular soldier can go through upon returning home. Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome is a very common sickness that soldiers come down with after returning from war. There are a few differences and similarities between the two stories; the way each soldier handles himself after the war and the way people look at each of the soldiers when they return home.…
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder was first brought to the public’s attention in affiliation to war veterans. According to the National Institute of Mental…
The Vietnam War was considered one of the bloodiest battles ever in the history of the United States. Not only were soldiers harmed physically during the war, but they were also wounded mentally. There are endless accounts of soldiers leaving the war and coming home not just with bullet wounds, but the memories that followed with it. These memories caused soldiers to not sleep at night and in some cases ruining their lives and forcing them to suicide. After the war, specialists came up with a name for this “disease” that was destroying the lives of many Vietnam veterans. They classified it as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. (National) The psychological burdens of war, such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, have substantial effects on soldiers in the armed forces making reentry into civilian life challenging.…
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) causes a painful recollection of a past harrowing event that haunts victims for the rest of their lives and often causes extreme anxiety, depression, and in some cases, drug abuse and suicide. The suicide rates have increased effectually among soldiers, with about twenty-eight veterans killing themselves each day (Rosenshield). Many veterans are diagnosed with PTSD, and are forced to live with it for the rest of their lives. It is hard to understand the shift in a person before and after serving in war because the change is not physical, but mental. Though a person may seem perfectly normal, their mental make-up is morphed in a way that changes them forever. As time progresses, medical advances increase. Less and less soldiers are being injured and killed on the battlefield, however the damage being done to soldiers is not controlled due to PTSD. Until the 1980’s, medical professionals did not recognize PTSD as an illness. This being said, many veterans traumatized in the Vietnam war did not get the recognition they needed from psychiatric doctors and suffered alone. This rings true for both World Wars as well,…
Tim O’Brien beautifully details the war zone and its aftereffects on specific veterans in The Things They Carried. Some war veterans leave their respective battle with war stories and life lessons to tell, but others leave empty-handed with an empty soul. Despite remedies recently implanted for veterans, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) continues to negatively impact not only certain veterans but also society.…
In the early 1600's, before the birth of the administration, a system was created to supported the veterans. In 1917, Congress created a system for the veteran to have benefits that targeted disability compensation. The services included programs for disability compensation, insurance for service personnel and Veterans, and vocational rehabilitation for the disabled veteran. The Veterans Administration was created in 1930 when President Herbert Hoover signed the Executive Order. The administration consolidated all government activities dealing with war veterans. Over the years, the Department of Veterans Affairs has changed drastically and have encompassed many different facets. With the increase in foreign wars and conflicts, the influx of veterans in need of medical care and disability compensation…
In the United States, combat fatigue was coined to describe the mental health issues of soldiers that had returned from Vietnam. Common experiences among veterans were an inability to concentrate, insomnia, nightmares, restlessness, and impatience with almost any job or course of study, as well as alienation, depression, mistrust and expectation of betrayal. About 15 percent of American soldiers who served in Vietnam were still suffering from war-related mental health issues fifteen years after the war, according to a government-funded report published in 1990. (Baran, 2010). In 1980, Vietnam veterans pushed for legislation and acceptance in the medical and psychology fields concerning combat fatigue. Later that year, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder was recognized by practitioners and was returned back to the DSM as a mental health issue. Experts believed that up to 30% of Vietnam veterans were facing mental health issues and PTSD. (Baran, 2010) It is estimated that since the Vietnam War has ended, approximately 150,000 veterans have committed suicide.…
This very interesting article provides information on a Meta-Analysis that was done on the risk factors for combat-related PTSD among military personnel and veterans. To the best knowledge of the multiple people who contributed to this article, this is the first meta-analysis focusing on risk factors for combat-related PTSD in military personnel and veterans. There are about 27 risk factors for military PTSD were investigated across 32 observational studies published between 1980 and April 2014, according to Xue, et.…
The Iraq war has ended as of December 2011. Osama Bin Laden has been killed as of May 2011 and yet the war in Afghanistan is still ongoing. The jihadist terrorism threat that our nation once feared from Al-Qaeda has diminished. Many question the justification of the United State’s involvement in the Middle East over the past decade. What have our intentions been this whole time and have the lives of those brave military men and women lost been worth the fight?…
In the United States, homelessness among veterans is a massive epidemic that the government is currently battling. Returning from military service to no home, is a situation no one should bare. The VA has vowed to end veteran homelessness by the year 2015. To combat this issue, the government instated the Open Doors program in 2009. As of 2013 there were roughly 57,486 veterans without a home. Since 2009, the fight against homelessness has produced a massive 24 percent decrease in veteran homelessness. The open door program focuses on relocating veterans who live on the streets, in abandoned buildings…
The U.S Department Veteran’s Affairs (VA) provides a wide range of benefits for our service members, veterans and their families. Some of these benefits include but are not limited to include compensation, disability, education, and home loans. Throughout this paper I will discuss these benefits and the eligibility required to receive them. Eligibility for most VA benefits is based on type of discharge received through the military which is normally all discharges under other than dishonorable conditions.…