(applying sociological perspectives associated with social imagination)
It is not the case that the all of the non-governmental organization has concerned or tackled in every social issue, but it should be supposed that social issues must be influenced by some forces that react by specific social units. This paper is going to investigate what a non-governmental organization is suppose to function or how is its status and influent the entire society throughout analyze two major macro-sociological perspective including structural functionalism and social conflict theory.
Non-governmental organization is an operation that operates independently from government but usually non-profit making orientation. Most of Ngo concentrate to the problems or social circumstances that might probably impact to the entire society or even to the world. As all of private company, each Ngo has their goal and the objective. For instance, Greenpeace is a typical environmental Ngo that with 40yrs history which has been fighting for a kind of social issue – the environmental protection.
We the people don’t usually recognize that the universal world – the society, has a specific arrangement. Our actions and think even of our creative has been limited by those factors including norms, culture etc. But how they affect and function are the concentrations of this paper. We indicate sociological imagination for this purpose because which is a way of thinking for a mind of quality to see the interrelationship between the social structure and social arrangement. That is why this paper will try to apply both major macro-sociological perspective including structural functionalism and social conflict theory. Applying sociological imagination is to understanding of the social forces that are shaping the personal biography and those of the people that around you. It also helps us sort out which factors about ourselves are explained by our place in society and which
References: Simon David R..(1995). Social problems and the sociological imagination: a paradigm for analysis. USA: McGraw-Hill C. Wright Mills (1959). The Promis. The sociological imagination. New York, N.Y. : Penguin Books 「非政府機構之角色」本地會議籌備委員會屬下之編輯委員會(1993).「非政府機構之角色」本地會議報告書. 香港 : 香港社會服務聯會.