There are so many things that we want in our “forever friend” as one of my friends calls her future spouse. When I made my list a few years ago, I focused on the non-negotiables, but I also had a place for other things that I thought would make us compatible—some of things I now find questionable (musician?, good at making vegan pizza?) Spend some time praying about your future spouse and start your list today! (Don’t worry if you want to change things later) I’ll start you off with some Biblical non-negotiables and you can take it from there! 7 NON-NEGOTIABLES 1. He is a true believer.
Again, as we talked about in the lesson, just going to church or giving lip service ain’t gonna cut it! This man needs to show evidence of his trust in God. He needs to be involved and invested in the work of the Kingdom!
“Do not be yoked together with an unbeliever…For what agreement is there between the temple of God and idols?” 2 Corinthians 6:14-16. 2. He lives with integrity.
He guards you against harm and protects the relationship physically and emotionally. He doesn’t even “go near the door” of temptation (Proverbs 5:8-9) and seeks to avoid even the appearance of evil. (1 Thessalonians 5:22) 3. He is patient and slow to anger.
Save the drama for some other mama. Seriously! You’ll be grateful for “even Steven” the rest of your days. “A hot-tempered person stirs up conflict, but the one who is patient calms a quarrel.” Proverbs 15:18 4. He believes in forever.
As we talked about previously—marriage is a testimony of God’s everlasting love, so he’s got to be sold out to that “one flesh” concept from Genesis 2:24. 5. He is humble.
Everyone messes up, but it’s so much easier to make repairs with a humble heart. “Pride comes before destruction, and an arrogant spirit before a fall.” Proverbs 16:18
6. He finds joy in his work.
Proverbs says that a “sluggard” will find that poverty sneaks up on him, (6:11) but that a man who does his