This Project will be in two Parts. The first part is about
Non-renewable energy. Non-renewable energy is a resource that will some day we will run out of. Non-renewable energy is a resource that will some day we will run out of.
The second part is on Renewable energy. Renewable energy is a resource that we will never run out of because it is continually being replaced. The sun is the source of all our energy resources. The sun's energy reaches Earth and is converted into many forms , which we then use to supply our energy demand.
Non Renewable Energy Resources
COAL. One of the most important natural fuels, coal was formed from plant life buried in the Earth millions of years ago. Like petroleum and natural gas, it is a carbon-based fossil fuel.
Coal is most commonly used to produce electricity in power plants. It also is an important fuel for heating and powering industrial and manufacturing facilities, and for making steel. The many chemicals derived from coal are used in industrial processes and in the manufacture of nylon, paints, plastics, synthetic rubber, aspirin, and thousands of other useful products .
A hydrocarbon, coal is classified in ranks, or types, according to the amount of heat it produces. This depends upon the amount of fixed carbon it contains. The ranks, in increasing order, are lignite, or brown coal; subbituminous coal, or very soft coal; bituminous coal, or soft coal; and anthracite, or hard coal. Bituminous coal is the most abundant type.
There are many different varieties of crude oil, ranging from very fluid, volatile liquids to viscous, semisolid materials. Crude oil is usually either black or green, but it can also be light yellow or transparent. Crude oils vary considerably in density and are described as heavy, average, or light. Light oils are valuable because they contain more gasoline the most valuable product refined from