Analyse the representations (1,2 and 3E) and choose the one which you think is the best representations of how effective peaceful protest was in securing civil rights in the USA…
3.) Nonviolent direct action is the process of a mass amount of people in most cases, whom do not use violence to achieve their goals. This has been seen many times in the U.S. from the Montgomery Bus Boycott to anti-Vietnam protests. King says that “Nonviolent direct action seeks to create such a crisis and foster such a tension that a community which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue.” (339.)…
Mahatma Gandhi employed a campaign of peaceful resistance in the first half of the twentieth so that India could be independent from Great Britain and possess institutions that protected the rights of Indians. Some years later, American civil rights organizations continued this approach, organizing sit-ins and marches to force governments to change policies that discriminated against African Americans. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote that civil disobedience,“seeks to create such a crisis and foster such a tension that a community which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue”. It uses the power of the people to force institutional action. Civil disobedience tactics can be just as effective today, just look at Cedric Herrou a French farmer who illegally transported African migrants into France for humanitarian reasons.…
Nonviolent struggle has been utilized countless times throughout the history of civilization. Contrary to popular belief, many of the world’s greatest wars are fought free of violence. Nonviolent actions offer an alternative approach to conflict resolution; one that does not resort to literal war and prevents blood shedding. The motivation behind these struggles vary, but the desired outcome is always to promote or prevent a change. Conflicts are diverse, and typically they are concerned with social, economic, ethnic, religious, national, humanitarian, and political matters (Sharp, 2005, p. 15).…
Mohandas Gandhi exhibited this during India’s independence movement. Gandhi held non-violent protests to fight for India’s independence. By protesting, Gandi displayed disobedience towards the British to earn rights for himself and others. He was able to peacefully achieve his goal of independence for India. Gandhi proved that disobedience allows people to create change that may not happen by following rules. People may argue that disobedience is injurious because it creates a rude, harmful society of people. This conjecture is incorrect because as Gandhi established, disobedience can be peaceful. Gandhi and all of his supporters were able to disobey while remaining non-violent to receive their rights from the British. Disobedience helps people improve their society and causes minimal harm, making it an exceedingly valuable human…
Are acts of civil disobedience ever appropriate? According to American history, acts of disobedience in the face of tyranny are not only appropriate but expected. The very fabric of this nation was shaped by acts of civil disobedience and rebellion. Human morality is not always defined by governmental regulations and when those regulations are in direct defiance of morality, it is the people’s obligation to stand with their beliefs and change the government.…
Peaceful disobedience not only positively impacts our society, but was strongly encouraged and considered necessary in both the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration states multiple times that there is a certain social contract that is put in place with a successful government, one where The People give up some of their power for the protection of their basic rights. It is also stated that if these basic rights are not protected, “it is their right, it is their duty” (the people’s) to protest and let the government know. The idea, originating from John Locke, adapted by Thomas Jefferson, states that as people it is not only a right we have but a God-given DUTY. You are a human being, and because of that you were…
There is no better example of disobedience leading to progress than America itself. This country was built on revolution, from the worn eighteenth-century bricks pointing the way to Lexington and Concord to antiquated metal signs corroding in the landfill reading ‘Whites only’. To justify a safe and prosperous life, rebellions and protests must occur- until the minority becomes heard over the deafening shout of the majority, there cannot truly be peace. Oscar Wilde’s claim that ‘it is through disobedience that progress has been made, through disobedience and through rebellion’ has never been more accurate than it is today, especially when weighed against a powerful, strife-ridden history. Rebellions, whether unheard or spoken to the masses, make up the…
Civil disobedience is the refusal to comply with certain laws or to pay taxes and fines as a peaceful form of political protest. During the time period in which the film SELMA was based, Civil Disobedience was mostly used when protesting colored people's rights to vote. In today’s society, one of the most controversial topics in America, is Abortion. Both abortion and the voting rights of colored people have been, and are still, two of the most controversial topics in America today. Many people believe that there are only two sides to every argument.…
Nonviolence was used when SNCC groups, first in North Carolina later in many other locations throughout the South, integrated business like cafes through the use of sit-ins. In some cases they would fill up counters that would only serve white and in shifts sit there all day. They would endure mental and physical torment. If these students decided to retaliate in self-defense against their tormenters they would have most likely been thrown in jail. They would have moved away from the goal of integration because all the students would have been in jail or worse instead of sitting at the counters making the businesses lose profit.…
From a historical standpoint, progress and reform is achieved solely through the valuable human trait of disobedience. The ability for a human to repeal and rebel the social norms of the time period is how Oscar Wilde, an Irish author, would characterize as, “Man’s original Virtue.”…
Civil disobedience is the act of openly breaking the law or refusing to comply with government demands then willingly accepting punishment for the action. In Henry David Thoreau's case, spending a night in jail was the result of his civil disobedience when he refused to pay poll-tax. Like Thoreau, Kim Davis was jailed because of her refusal to follow a rule. Since Kim Davis shared a similar experience with Thoreau and that is why I think she would best fit Thoreau's definition of civil disobedience.…
Violent revolutions have been the most effective way to bring about change dating back to the American Revolution in the late 1700s. While analyzing this ferocious rebellion, it is revealed that all of the American’s non-violent attempts to compromise with Britain failed, and that it took a bloody eight year war for the Americans to finally separate from Britain. Violent revolutions are not only more effective, but easier to pull off. The Iranian government was a well known institution that used fear to prevent successful non-violent revolutions from happening, by executing innocent kids who spoke up against the government. “Between 1980 and 1983, the government had imprisoned and executed so many high-school and college students that we no…
Nonviolence is a necessity in civil disobedience, as it immediately differentiates between civil protests and others. By taking nonviolent…
We the people. Three courageous words that set the newly American people on a mission. A mission for life, a mission for liberty, and a mission for happiness. But those noble ideals embodied in the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights are still far from being achieved, and the mission continues to this day. Freedom for America didn't free the slaves, give women the right to vote, or end religious prejudice. There is nothing about a law that makes it inherently just, and the US is no exception. As a result of this, citizens may at times come to the conclusion that certain laws are in need of changing. The intention of the documents that set up our democracy was to ensure the government would forever be by and for the people. Sometimes legal means for ensuring America stays true to its original purpose prove inadequate. If such is the case in the instance at hand, turning to civil disobedience can have a positive impact on a free society.…