- The relationship between economic and social measures of development is direct and proportional.
-Conversely, the relationship between social-economic and demographic variables is usually inverse.
I. Education
- A literate educated labor force is essential for the effective transfer of advanced technology from the developed to developing countries.
- The problem in part stems from a national poverty that denies to the educational program funds sufficient for teachers, school buildings, books, and other necessities.
II. Public Services
- The quality of public services and the creation of facilities to assure the health of the labor force are equally important evidences of national advancement.
- Safe drinking water and the sanitary disposal of human waste are particularly important in maintaining human health.
- Their accepted presence in the developed world and their general absence in the Third World present a profound contrast between the two realms.
III. Health
- Access to medical facilities and personnel is another spatial variable with profound implications for the health and well-being of populations.
- Increasingly, the contrasts in conditions of health and disease between advanced and developing countries have become matters of international concern and attention.
- Advanced and developing countries occupy two distinct worlds of disease and health.
- Affluent World
- death rates are low
- chief killers of its mature populations are cancers, heart attacks and strokes
- Infant mortality rates range from 5 to 10 per 1000, and babies are expected to live well into their 70s
- Impoverished World
- Often crowded and prone to disease
- The deadly dangers of its youthful populations are infectious, respiratory and parasitic diseases made more serious by