This book is rich with real world examples of several leadership concepts and provides a practical model of how to bring about change in an organization. In the next few pages I’ll detail the…
McCambridge, R. (2004). Understanding the power of nonprofit governance. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 33(2), 346-354.…
Nowadays it seems crucial to reframe the work of the Nonprofit Boards in order to redefines nonprofit governance. In fact it appears that today's Nonprofit Boards have multiples roles and responsibilities to face with. However it seems they have lost slowly of their efficiency during the years and “The New Work of Nonprofit Board”, article by Barbara Taylor, Richard Chait and Thomas Holland helped us to understand the reasons of this decline and in a second approach gives a lucid guide to an important renewal, and provides a road map that leads Nonprofits boards, trustees and executives to governance as leadership.…
Wright, B., & Pandey, S. (2010). Transformational leadership in the public sector: Does structure matter? Journal of Public Administration Research & Theory, 20(1), 75-89.…
Transformational organizers display personalized consideration, intelligent stimulation, inspirational enthusiasm, captivation, and unrealistic influence (Weichun, Sosik, Riggio, & Baiyin, 2012). According to the scholarly article, “Transformational Leadership and Value System Congruence,” written by Krishnan Venkat, it states, “ that transformational organizers gave better meaning to standards pertaining to others than to ethics concerning only themselves” (Venkat, 2002). The transformational leadership style is highly effective at changing a culture and motivating to go beyond their own self-interests for the good of their group.…
Warrick, D.D. (2011). The Urgent Need for Skilled Transformational leaders: Integrating Transformational Leadership and Organization Development. Journal of Leadership Accountability & Ethics, (8)5, 11-26.…
Leadership has never been clearly defined due to all the tools and methodologies for effective leadership. Using leadership as a practice allows each person to sculpt their “leadership” personality. Attributes like transformational leadership, empathy, with a combination of communication skill which allows inspiration to meet a common mission. Speaking within a charity organization everyone is a volunteer which means they have many choices to participate or not particiapate which does not lead to consequences of any kind. Most things are based on many different beliefs and situations people are in. The Women of Wisdom charity group exemplifies different leadership theories, the power of influence, the effectiveness of leadership, and how they support the vision and mission allow for many leadership challenges throughout this organization, and as for me there are a few changes I would make but, would they be for the better?…
Caldwell, C., Dixon, R., Floyd, L., Chaudoin, J., Post, J., & Cheokas, G. (2012). Transformative Leadership: Achieving Unparalleled Excellence. Journal Of Business Ethics, 109(2), 175-187. Retrieved from:…
Fundraising leadership within a nonprofit organization is crucial to the success of the overall mission and controls the size of any possible impact the nonprofit can make on a community. Most often leadership is a backbone which employees use as a source for various job related problems. In the nonprofit sector leadership is even more important as many times there are fewer employees and volunteers are not as consistent as they may have other obligations that take up their time. There are multiple jobs the leaders must perform in order to ensure the nonprofit organization is self-sustainable and will provide the adequate services presumed available. Apostu wrote an article regarding leadership and development in non-governmental organizations…
I interviewed Becky Hendrix, Executive Director for Professional Care Services. I recently had the honor of interviewing someone in our community who has had more than twenty years of leadership experience in our community. The interview ended up taking much longer than I expected because I was so influenced by what she had to say, I did not want to miss anything. Mrs. Becky Hendrix started her career as a CPA back in the 80 's for the World Color Press. Her leadership abilities were quickly realized, and she was promoted to head CPA. From there she moved on to the Professional Care Service where she remained for fifteen years serving as a CPA, and finally working her way up to the Executive Director. Becky was in charge of over 187 employees. My conversation with Becky took a direction that I did not expect. She attributes her success to the leadership traits that she has learned over the years, and quoted many of the very ideas and theories almost verbatim from our class lecture. That was an incredible experience to witness firsthand how these traits become behaviors and practices.…
The purpose of nonprofit organizations is to offer programs and services to assist the public. Presbyterian Villages of Michigan (PVM) is a faith-based, nonprofit organization. PVM offers quality senior living housing and services, offering a wide range of residential service options including apartments, condominiums, assisted living, and skilled nursing care (Presbyterian Villages of Michigan, 2013). The ideal leadership style is that of a Servant Leader. According to Robert Greenleaf, servant leadership is a philosophy and set of practices that enriches the lives of individuals, builds better organizations and ultimately creates a more just and caring world (Greenleaf, 1991). In contrast or a more similarity practice, transformative leadership can transform organizational culture and influence job satisfaction of the employees. However, the supervisors and managers appear to be disengaged or a gap presents itself within the organization. Therefore, it was necessary to begin the journey of conducting research within the organization. As in the case of action research according to Joe…
Throughout my life, I have sought to do work that matters. I would often volunteer in community organizations and my local church, seeking ways to serve others. Until, I completed my undergraduate degree, my experience with the nonprofit sector dealt primarily with serving as a volunteer. Now, as I a paid staff member at a nonprofit, I realize that nonprofit work has a variety of benefits. The three top reasons I continue to be interested in nonprofit are as follows. 1) Each day brings variety. 2) I get work in multiple roles. 3) There are opportunities to work with and serve amazing people. Noticeably, I have played primarily support in nonprofits. I realize that to become an effective executive director I will need further training…
References: Bass B M & Riggio R E (2006). Transformational Leadership (Second ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.…
Leadership is the key in building the foundation within an organization. The organization’s leaders should possess strong skills, be knowledgeable of their organization, and keep abreast of new changes that may affect the organization, and last work together for the common good of the organization. “Effective leaders create positive organizational cultures, strengthen motivation, clarify mission and organizational objectives, and steer organizations to more productive and high performing outcomes”. “Recent evidence of the importance of leadership and its absence or limited presence in some public organizations is plentiful” (Partnership for Public Service 2003).…
Transformational leaders inspire a shared vision by envisioning the future and enlisting others. They do not mind going it alone as they carve out the vision for the entire organization. Then they rally others to buy and support this vision as if it belonged to each of the organization’s members personally. These leaders enable others to act by…