A good body language is mostly important when it comes to successfully completing an interview. Not only are the words you spoken out and the clothes you wear during the job interviews will be assessed, the importance of body language often mentioned. After all, before a word has ever been spoken, your body language will have already given people their first impression of you. During job interviews, nerves may get the best of us so it allows us a little room to monitor our body language. Recruiters are not just focusing on how you reply to their questions and words or language that you used but they also focusing on your gestures, your body language, your posture and your eye contact. These kinds of acts are what we called as nonverbal communication or messages. Through this nonverbal communication, it can emphasize what you are saying; convincing the interviewer or recruiter with your truthfulness, but it can also contradict your statements. Body language plays important roles in making our first impression to the recruiters or interviewers. According to Albert (1981), communication of feelings and attitudes between people, the spoken words themselves accounted for just 7% of the impact. Meanwhile, the vocal characteristics such as loudness, tempo, and inflection accounted for 38% and body language such as posture and facial expression accounted for 55%. . It is therefore important to pay attention to how the different components of our bodies are oriented, so that we can effectively communicate our strengths to our potential employer.
So as we know, nonverbal communication plays very important roles during job interviews and there are many types of nonverbal communication that can be seen or often done by us during any job interviews.
1. Body Communication
a. Body Movements
References: 1. Doyle, Alison. “The Importance of Body Language During a Job Interview”. Web. 2. McGrath, Laura “The Importance of Body Language in an Interview”. Web.