Juana was a voracious reader in her early childhood, hiding in the hacienda chapel to read her grandfather’s books from the adjoining library. She composed her first poem when she was eight years old. By adolescence, she had comprehensively studied Greek logic, and was teaching Latin to young children at age 13. She also learned Nahuatl, an Aztec language spoken in Central Mexico, and wrote some short poems in that language.…
Throughout life we identify ourselves with fundamental traditions that correlate with us from the early years of our lives. A practice we learned from our ancestors and remains in our families for decades, symbolizing our great legacy and pride. In a distinctive poem “Green Chile” (1989) by Jimmy Santiago Baca, he exhibits a solid connection between his grandmother and chiles. A unique relationship that goes beyond pride and respect for a man who shows appreciation for his native country, despite of who he is today. Baca’s (1989) poem “Green Chile” is an example of how a simple dish has an immense value, expressing appreciation and love for the land where he grew up. In this unique poem, culture and sacrifice are two important messages the writer emphasizes.…
The poem “Green Chile,” by Jimmy Baca, is more than what it seems. The poem is literally about two chile peppers, a green one and a red one. Yes, they are both very similar in the aspect of being peppers, but they are very different because of the symbolism that each of them holds. The speaker of the poem is a grandson that loves on pepper over another, and the author describes that well in his poem. The imagery in this poem seems to be very sensual in some areas, and in others it just shows the setting of the poem. (last sentence). Although the basic meaning of the poem is about two different types of chiles, the symbolism within it is very strong.…
In chapter 3, Novogeratz mentioned the poster and her idea. She says, “Just seeing this process, though, helped me to think differently about how to design future messages and programs, how to move away from our own view of how things should be done and observe how people live and communicate with one another.” (Novogartz 50). This part reminds me about many information and advertisement that goes to the Internet, TV, magazine,and radio. Many companies use the Internet to advertise their products around the world. In my country, there are a lot of posters; people want to buy a product that has an advertisement because they think that if the product has an advertisement, it is a good product ,so they will buy it.To sum up, posters are a…
It is good to realize that the author is a young Chicano man willing to raise the voice for all the ones who are not able. It is important to keep transmitting this kind of message because people needs to remember being illegal does not make them less. This kind of works should continue, mostly after the last elections which led to an apparent unfavorable result for the Chicano people. After all, as Veliz said, the main idea is to change peoples’ heart because only love will defeat all the hate and racism that exist…
Cisneros addresses poverty, cultural suppression, self-identity, and gender roles in her fiction and poetry. In Okita's poem, American identity has more to do with how you personally experience culture than where your family comes from. Both authors know that they are Americans, despite what their family, friends, or anyone else might say.…
|Prompt: To What Extent is the Family Important in Latino Culture and How is This Demonstrated in the Literature by Hispanic Writers? |…
In the book, El Otro Lado by Julia Alvarez, describes the author’s experience of leaving the dominican republic and moving to the united states. This is more than just her moving though, it’s about her transition through things like her culture, her behavior, her personality and her childhood into a world of emotions filled with insecurity, love, hurt. Alvarez’s use of Spanish that is mixed into the English she writes her poems also describe stories of her life along with the struggle of emigrating to a new country and what it’s like living in a country that isn’t 1st world or most advanced, revealing feelings from situations that most immigrants face coming to the United States. Alvarez also reveals her own personal…
The House On Mango Street and “ Only Daughter” both prove that being an Mexican- American women is a struggle. As Cisneros shows her first hand experience, and as well shows it through story telling. Yet without telling a biography and going straight to the point she shows emotion by using literary elements. Sandra Cisneros Chose to use metaphors and imagery to express the hard ships of being a Mexican- American women. If Sandra Cisneros did not use literary elements to show the lifestyle of a Mexican-American women, the points that she showed in both the texts would not have been as powerful as they were.…
In both works we see a stereotype for the American people and how it affects other people new to our society. The poem and short story both show a kind of rude racism towards new people or people of a certain race. Also, both works show just how much of a melting pot our society is and how we come together to form one nation. Both Okita and Cisneros use children to portray their stories and get their point across. They try to appeal to the sympathy we have for children and the innocence they…
Folklore is a collection of stories passed down from generation to generation that include Legends, Myths, and Fairy Tales.…
I really feel that folklore in its raw form is a history of human kind and humanity in its essence. It has the potential to explain cultures like no other individual can. The open the mind to rituals and paths of thinking that normally wouldn’t be possible unless you was actually living in their specific environment. It also exposes the some of the prejudices that exist among humankind. When people thrive in ignorance towards another set of individuals or group’s racism and bigotry strive. In a way folklore brings the people together and educates them. Expands their minds and opens them up to new experiences.…
Theme – The supernatural, stories used to explain unknown or phenomena. Beliefs held by society custom - culture…
This analysis will be on the topic of folklore, including the interpretation of fairy tales and proverbs and their relation towards gender-role stereotypes.…
Folklore is the body of verbal expressive culture, including tales, legends, oral history, proverbs, popular beliefs current among a particular population. Folk customs, legends, and beliefs are regarded as an expression by a nation of its desires, attitudes, and cultural values. Folk heroes are said to reflect the civilization from which they spring. Many theories have arisen to explain folk tales: they interpreted them as corrupted cosmic allegories; considered them as personified elements of nature; held them to be survivals from a savage society. Folklore has become increasingly important in understanding the history of mankind.…