Nora and Torvald are a married couple and been taking on many challenges in their relationship.Torvald basically takes care of and provides for Nova and their children. During their conversation in Act 3 it talks about how she was been transferred from her father’s hands to torvald hands. Nora feels like torvald is treating her like a poor women from hand to mouth. This means that he is treating her like she can’t do for herself. Torvald is taking over her life and when her father was alive he did the same that’s why her life consist of nothing. Torvald is very physically controlling, treats Nora like she’s a child and doesn't trust her with money. The expression Nora used as “ doll child” and “doll wife” is that her life was controlled by her husband and father. By expression her feelings she tells torvald how she feels. She says, “You and Papa have committed a great sin against me. It is your fault that I have made nothing of my life.”. She doesn’t have anything to fall back on besides what her husband gives her. She can’t do anything on her own without getting an approval from Torvald. Torvald is physically controlling for example in Act 3 he expressed how Nora made him feel when she was dancing the Tarantella. He said “ my blood was on …show more content…
Nora is unhappy with her life and wants to walk away from thing. In this book “A Doll House” showed how women were treated in the 19 century men were always in charge of the women. In my opinion women should have just as much control as the men did. Everything should be equal. I don't think gender should determine if your in charge or not. In this play marriage is displayed as one person controlling the other. Marriage extent are to bring a man and women together as husband and wife. Not to worry about financial problems there suppose to be happen and create a bond